The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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Chapter three - Steve Wohlberg 99In every age, God has called his servants to lift up their voices againstthe prevailing errors and sins of the multitude. Noah was called to standalone to warn the antediluvian world. Moses and Aaron were aloneagainst king and princes, magicians and wise men, and the multitudes ofEgypt. Elijah was alone when he testified against an apostate king and abacksliding people. Daniel and his fellows stood alone against the decreesof mighty monarchs. <strong>The</strong> majority are usually to be found on the side oferror and falsehood. <strong>The</strong> fact that doctors of divinity have the world ontheir side does not prove them to be on the side of truth and of God. <strong>The</strong>wide gate and the broad road attract the multitudes, while the strait gateand the narrow way are sought only by the few.ConclusionWe prefer to depend on God’s Word, not man’s words, no matter howinfluential they are. This is something Pastor Wohlberg forgot to do. Was he notsure of himself until others influenced him? Again, refer to chapter 1 for moredetails on tithing.Conclusion to first letterWohlberg says: (see Appendix G)“This is where everything stands as of today, March 25, 2008. BecauseErnie’s dreams are public, on his website, and because many minds arenow seeking information about these important matters, I have no reasonto consider as ‘private’ the communications included in this letter. <strong>The</strong>seare my thoughts and concerns. May Jesus lead us all, protect us fromSatan’s subtle snares, and prepare us for heaven.”God says:Matthew 5:20<strong>For</strong> I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed therighteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter intothe kingdom of heaven.ConclusionIt is apparent that Pastor Wohlberg’s letter turned people away from God’smessages and was not written or motivated by the Holy Spirit, but by a differentspirit.Do not risk your eternal salvation due to the writings of one leader or another(not even Ernie). Do not accept their word, but do the research yourselvesusing the Bible and writings of Ellen White. God has messages to bring to Hisend-time people that are relevant and very important. Let us not reject themsimply because men of influence or the majority say to.Addressing Wohlberg’s Second Letter of April 22,2008Comments on “Love and Rebuke” dream - 1 John 4:1-3

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