The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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Chapter four - Eugene Prewitt 167He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despisethme; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me.Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 1, p. 236<strong>The</strong> ministers who have labored in that State have not exerted a rightinfluence. Hints and insinuations have been thrown out against Brotherand Sister White, and the managers of the work at Battle Creek, whichhave found a ready reception in the hearts of many, especially thecredulous and faultfinding. Satan knows how to make his attacks. Heworks upon minds to excite jealousy and dissatisfaction toward those atthe head of the work. <strong>The</strong> gifts are next questioned; then, of course, theyhave but little weight, and instruction given through vision is disregarded.Ibid., Vol. 5, p. 241Difficulties are often caused by the vendors of gossip, whosewhispered hints and suggestions poison unsuspecting minds and separatethe closest friends. Mischief-makers are seconded in their evil work bythe many who stand with open ears and evil heart, saying: "Report, . . .and we will report it." This sin should not be tolerated among thefollowers of Christ. No Christian parent should permit gossip to berepeated in the family circle or remarks to be made disparaging themembers of the church.Counsels for the Church, p. 174Criticism and Its EffectsChristians should be careful in regard to their words. <strong>The</strong>y shouldnever carry unfavorable reports from one of their friends to another,especially if they are aware that there is a lack of union between them. Itis cruel to hint and insinuate, as though you knew a great deal in regard tothis friend or that acquaintance of which others are ignorant. Such hintsgo further, and create more unfavorable impressions, than to franklyrelate the facts in an unexaggerated manner. What harm has not thechurch of Christ suffered from these things!Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 4b, p. 123I was shown that those who are troubled with infidelity and doubtsshould not go out to labor for others. That which is in the mind must flowout, and they realize not the effect of a hint, or the smallest doubtexpressed. Satan makes it a barbed arrow. It acts like a slow poison,which, before the victim is made sensible of his danger, has affected thewhole system, and undermined a good constitution, and finally ends indeath. It is just so with the poison of unbelief, and doubts upon Scripturefacts. One who has influence, hints, or throws a doubt into mindssuggesting that which Satan has suggested to them, that one scripturecontradicts another, and in a very wise manner, as though they had foundout some wonderful mystery, which had been hid from believers and theholy in every age of the world, cast their midnight darkness into otherminds. <strong>The</strong>y lose the relish they have had for the truth, and come out

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