The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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Chapter three - Steve Wohlberg 83neighbour spreadeth a net for his feet’ (Prov. 29:5). It seems to me that‘the Herald’s’ comments about Ernie as ‘the bold one’ could easily bepart of a well-thought out ‘flattery’ strategy to gain Ernie’s confidence to‘spread a net for his feet.’ ”FactWhat is the difference between a compliment and flattery?From various online dictionaries, a compliment is true, precise and to the point.It usually comes from the heart, is sincere, and is a powerful tool for creatingand building relationships. Compliments reflect that the giver thinks positively ofyou, and just wants to tell you that. <strong>The</strong> recipient enjoys receiving thecompliment. Often the giver and recipient have a long-time relationship (knoweach other).Flattery is either insincere or does not ring true, often excessive, or given with ahidden motive. It is praise to which the recipient is usually indifferent and leftultimately feeling empty.Ernie’s dreams say:<strong>The</strong> Mailroom, July 24-27, 2007. . . <strong>The</strong> foreman puts on the new helmet. He turns around toward me.As he looks down at me and I look up into his eyes, I immediately knowwho he is. I exclaim, “It’s you! I start crying and He reaches down andwipes away my tears with His hands. He says, “Do not cry as you are thebold one I created you to be.” I smile and tell Him that I have so manyquestions. He tells me there is little time. I quickly ask Him why I haverepeatedly been shown in many of my dreams of the coming destructionand how He said to not tell the specific details. He answers, “Let me seeyour watch.” I hold out my left arm to show Him. He says, “Give meyour right hand. I want to show you something.” I hold out my right handand He places it in His left hand. He looks at me, smiles and says myheavenly name (the one I have heard in other dreams) and to not be afraidbut know He is always with me.Watch, As I Am Coming, August 14, 2007Standing in the corridor, the angel releases my right hand. I feel aseparation that I cannot and do not want to feel. He has held my hand andhas been with me through everything I have seen. He steps back and Isuddenly have a feeling of unbelievable happiness. I watch as the angel,who has stood about the same height as me until now, grows to hisnormal height, which I believe is about 15 feet tall. I watch as his wingscome out from his back and unfold, unfold, and unfold again and hestretches forth his wings. I notice they are curved and remind me of ahawk. I look up at him and I ask, “Are they real or symbolic?” He smilesand those dimples show even more. He answers, “You are the bold one,aren’t you?” He waves his huge wings one time and is instantly high inthe air. He looks at me and says, “If you remain faithful to your Savior,you will find out.” <strong>The</strong>n he smiles the biggest smile ever.If You Love Me, September 4, 2007

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