The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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18the <strong>TRUTH</strong>, the whole <strong>TRUTH</strong>, and nothing but the <strong>TRUTH</strong>their tithes. We do not say that it would be right for individuals towithhold from the Lord that which is his; but, on the other hand, itcertainly is very wrong for the Conference to give credentials to suchmen, and it is nothing less than sin to take the Lord’s money to pay forsuch labor. <strong>The</strong>re must be earnest labor with such men; and if they willnot reform, there can be no reason why they should continue to holdcredentials.<strong>The</strong>n there are many that are even light and frivolous, and by thiscourse they do more harm than good. <strong>The</strong>se, too, should be labored withfaithfully, and if they do not give evidence of reform, they shouldcertainly not be continued in the ministry; for only evil can result fromtheir work.Although the following statement does not use the word “tithe,” the principlestated is that we are accountable to God alone.Spalding and Magan Collection, p. 176<strong>The</strong> people to whom God has given his means are amenable to himalone.What Ernie Knoll was shown in Testing the Spirits dream“I watch again how we were shown that it is important His peopleunderstand that we are to return a tithe to His storehouse. I am againshown it is important that we understand what the funds are being usedfor. If an individual is providing funds and they understand that the fundsare not being used according to His will, that person will be heldaccountable if they do nothing about bringing it to the attention of therecipient, the one who holds the keys. <strong>The</strong> Great Creator has said to pay atribute to those who do His bidding. <strong>The</strong> Herald explains that manytributes are used toward Lucifer’s work of using spiritualism and otherforms of unholy worship practices from within God’s church by thosewho collect and place the funds in a storehouse. <strong>The</strong> Herald says, ‘That isnot God’s storehouse. Those that give will be able to see the blessingwhich comes as a wholesome fruit. <strong>The</strong>y will see the fruits of the spirit asthey give in faith when it is placed in God’s storehouse.’ ”SummationAs we can see from God’s words, for Elder Reid to say that the individual donorof tithe and offerings is not responsible for any mismanagement on the part ofchurch leaders is false.ConclusionAre we accountable? God says, “<strong>The</strong> Lord will not hold you responsible for it, ifyou do what you can to correct the evil.” Are we then responsible if we knowour money is being used for evil and do not do what we can to correct the evil?According to Ellen White’s counsel, we are responsible and Elder Reid waswrong. We are accountable to God alone. However, it is interesting to note thatwhen individuals try to correct the evil in the Church by speaking out, they areusually disfellowshipped and the evil not only continues but also worsens. AsEllen White stated in the Spalding and Magan Collection, p. 498, “Send nostatement of the situation through our religious papers; because it will not behonored.” This is why God stated in “<strong>The</strong> Boardroom” dream, “…let the war

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