The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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Appendix K 419same messages Jesus presentedthrough the Spirit of Prophecy?”[Italics hers].It is an intriguing fact that (as we willdiscover later) while Ernie says he doesnot study the Spirit of Prophecy, anddoes not need to, yet the messagesgiven him by the “angel” sound verysimilar to what Ellen White wrote.<strong>The</strong> demons are well-acquainted withthe contents of those <strong>book</strong>s, and they areanxious to deceive as many of God’speople as they can.Returning now to Ernie’s narration:“It wasn’t until this time [of thedream on the night he wanted todie] that I really knew who Jesuswas!”After describing that first dream,Ernie tells, in disconnected sentences onthe recorded tape, about Jesus comingand talking with him.“When I came in to land, I hadseen Jesus way up to the left, andwhen I came in to land, myintention was to return to thetemple where I had been in beforewhen the dream first started, butJesus walked down and heapproached me and I knew it wasJesus. I automatically knew it wasJesus, but I also noticed as hewalked toward me, I noticed thatangels would bow andacknowledge him as the Creator ofthe universe. But Jesus walkeddown and even till this point in thedream, I really didn’t know who hereally was but after he came down,the two of us, just Jesus and I, westarted walking and of course Ididn’t have a watch. I don’t knowhow long it was for, but I’veguesstimated that Jesus and Iwalked and we talked for half anhour. It could have been longer. Itcould have been an hour. I kind oflike to think it was an eternity.“But Jesus and I walked and wetalked, and we discussed manythings I’d seen, the things in thetemple, the animals I saw, the birdsI saw flying, the angels, thedifferent types of people, thedifferent heights of the people, thewall of the city, we talked aboutmany, many different things, but asI would walk and talk with Him,the same Jesus I had talked about,sang songs about, the same Jesus Ihad prayed to, I don’t know how toput it, but I developed a love unlikeany love that I could ever tell, and Iknow many people have asked,Well, when you saw Jesus, whatdid he look like? And I always tellthem, Well the characteristics Inoticed was that he was dressed ina white garment that went from hisneck to his feet to his wrist, but Hisskin was very well tanned, His hairwas straight back, not parted.“And people always want toask about His eyes. What color isHis eyes? I don’t know what colorHis eyes were. I’ve never noticedthe color of His eyes but whatattracted me more than anythingwas what I saw in His eyes. <strong>The</strong>color of His eyes was not importantbut what I saw in His eyes when Ilooked in his eyes and the only waythat I’ve been able to describe thatis the love, of the love. When youlook in Jesus’ eyes, you see a lovethat is indescribable.“<strong>People</strong> ask, Well, why are youwanting to share these dreams?Well, I want to share because I’vebeen told to but it’s also because ofwhat I have seen. And I know thatmy prayer would be that, if myprayer could be answered thatevery one that watches this and hasread this dream, that you could seewhat I see when I look into theeyes of Jesus. <strong>The</strong>re’s a love that

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