The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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Appendix LLinda Kirk’s LetterThis appendix contains the open letter that Linda Kirk wrote to Ernie Knoll.May 18, 2008Dear Ernie,Before you read this letter, please pray, specifically asking God for “the wisdomthat is from above” which is “easy to be intreated.”It is with much prayer and loving concern that I write this letter to you. I feel theneed to give you an explanation as to why I have come to believe, after muchprayerful consideration over the past six months, that the dreams are not fromGod.<strong>The</strong> content of your dreams, Ernie, appeals to many that are serious aboutfollowing God, and the counsel of the Spirit of Prophecy – the conservativeSeventh-day Adventist. We believe in lifting the standards high. We are grievedabout the worldliness in the church, worldliness in adornment, entertainment,sports, diet, music, dress and many other issues. We are concerned about thegeneral Laodicean condition, the love of money, and focus on material things.We long for the outpouring of the latter rain. We have studied about the shaking,end-time events, the time of trouble, the Sunday law, and we are on the lookoutfor signs of the end. We know about the calamities and destruction during thetime of trouble because we read about them in the Spirit of Prophecy. We knowwe are in the time of the end, and believe in the imminent return of Christ. <strong>The</strong>setopics are present truth, and are very close to our hearts.Thus, when these topics are presented in the dreams, in a similar way to the Spiritof Prophecy, it seems to be speaking to our hearts, and we are in agreement withthe message. We long for the church to wake up and follow the straighttestimony. <strong>The</strong> thought comes, if these dreams can help God reach our brothersand sisters, and bring stronger conviction to our hearts as well, then they must befrom God.But let’s consider what else we know from the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy.If Satan has a specific target in our world today, it would be the sincere,spiritually minded Seventh-day Adventist, who is sighing and crying for theabominations done in the land and in the church. <strong>The</strong>y are open to prophecybecause they believe in the Spirit of Prophecy. <strong>The</strong>y are open to new lightbecause Ellen White has said there will be new light. <strong>The</strong>y are open to dreamsand visions, because Ellen White had dreams and visions, and the Bibleprophesies that this will take place in the last days. So, what deception couldSatan use to reach this group?Since Satan is the master deceiver, and he especially hates God’s remnantpeople, wouldn’t we expect that he would mastermind a deception specifically

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