The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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228the <strong>TRUTH</strong>, the whole <strong>TRUTH</strong>, and nothing but the <strong>TRUTH</strong>through the Lord's way of detoxing, cleansing, healing and the 8 laws ofhealth has been the GREATEST blessing that I have ever received on theface of the earth in my entire lifetime. Words cannot express nor penwrite nor fingers type what great blessing the Lord has bestowed upon methrough your ministry.--Beverly Bowers, Pennsylvania<strong>The</strong> messages in the dreams have indeed impacted our lives greatly. Ithas led me personally to study the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy muchmore and spend more time in prayer and meditation. <strong>For</strong> the last fewyears we have given up entirely spending time engaged in worldlyentertainment as seen on the TV and electronic media. We realized thatthe enemy is using these devices to keep us trapped in our various areasof weakness. I personally have experienced a marked change in myChristian experience as a result and I’m thankful and gracious to the Lordfor the victory he has given me. I have struggled with a certain problemfor most of my life but since making the changes that I mentioned above Ihave gained the victory. I have found a love for the word of the Lord thatI have never had before and now it seems that time is never enough. <strong>The</strong>more time I spend with Him the more I want to spend. By His power I’mstriving to abide in His presence continually. I have found myselfenjoying witnessing and telling others of His soon coming. I have sharedthe messages of the dreams and Creeping Compromise with severalmembers in our church and even with a few friends who are not S.D.A. Ihave also shared the Final Events DVD (by Amazing Facts & DougBatchelor) with several of my friends and co-workers. <strong>The</strong> recent eventsin our world has opened the eyes of a lot of unbelievers who are askingquestions and are curious of what is transpiring in our world. This hasgiven us a great opportunity to share with them and tell them of thecoming events so they too can be ready. May the Lord bless you andwe’ll continue to keep your ministry in our prayers.--R J (Trinidad and Tobago)Yesterday I read your dream of IN THE HEART OF JESUS. Irepented of all sins hidden. I am asking Jesus to meet other sins forgotten.<strong>The</strong> message of God that you published hit me a lot. An alarm soundsvery heavily from the sky that everyone has to awake. AMEN.--(from France)ConclusionWould Elder Ferrell be willing to walk up to these people and tell them that it isjust their imagination that they are giving up bad habits, repenting of all sins,and changing in preparation for meeting Jesus in the clouds?!False revivals are not based on the complete truth of the Bible. Those whoreceive the true revival will be following the complete truth, as seen in the Bible,Ellen White’s writings and Ernie’s dreams. <strong>The</strong>y will give up sin in their life andbe granted the Spirit and power of God.Does Elder Ferrell believe in modern prophets?

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