The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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168the <strong>TRUTH</strong>, the whole <strong>TRUTH</strong>, and nothing but the <strong>TRUTH</strong>infidels. All this is the work of a few words spoken, which had a hiddenpower, because they seemed involved in mysterySummationIt is a fearful thing to speak evil of God’s servants the prophets. When we rejectthem, we are really rejecting Jesus.ConclusionHow does Mr. Prewitt expect anyone to take him seriously when he resorts tounbiblical nit-picking? Whatever happened to testing a prophet by the tests Godhas provided in His Word? <strong>The</strong> fact Mr. Prewitt realizes that the remainingobjections are not valid Bible tests but rather nit-picking does not need anycomment. “<strong>For</strong> by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shaltbe condemned.” Matthew 12:37.Interrupting the dreamPrewitt says: (see Appendix I)“Can a prophetic dream be interrupted by an outsider? In Ellen White’svisions no one was able to disturb her communion with heaven.“As I was unconscious to all that transpired around me while in vision,I will copy from Brother Nichols’ description of that meeting. {LS80232.2}“ ‘Sister Ellen was taken off in vision with extraordinarymanifestations, and continued talking in vision with a clearvoice, which could be distinctly understood by all present,until about sundown. <strong>The</strong> opposition was much exasperated,as well as excited, to hear Sister E. talk in vision, which theydeclared was of the devil; they exhausted all their influenceand bodily strength, to destroy the effect of the vision. <strong>The</strong>ywould unite in singing very loud, and then alternately wouldtalk and read from the Bible in a loud voice, in order that shemight not be heard, until their strength was exhausted, andtheir hands would shake so they could not read from theBible. But amidst all this confusion and noise, Sister Ellen'sclear and shrill voice, as she talked in vision, was distinctlyheard by all present. <strong>The</strong> opposition of these men continued aslong as they could talk and sing, notwithstanding some oftheir own friends rebuked them, and requested them to stop.But Robbins said, ‘You are bowed to an idol; you areworshiping a golden calf.’ ” {LS80 232.3}“What about Ernie’s dream? It seems one dream was interrupted by hiswife, Becky. It makes one wonder.“We are now in the corridor again. <strong>The</strong> Herald says, ‘What I show younow, I was showing you when Becky awoke you from your dream.Permission was given then to share a little of what was shown you.’ ”FactThis is not a Biblical test of a prophet.ConclusionLet us be careful how we limit what God can and will do if He sees it is best.

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