The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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254the <strong>TRUTH</strong>, the whole <strong>TRUTH</strong>, and nothing but the <strong>TRUTH</strong>be enough to cause Daniel to feel proud about himself? <strong>The</strong>n, however, Gabrieleven tells Daniel he is greatly beloved.God says:Daniel 9:23; 10:11At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth,and I am come to shew thee; for thou art greatly beloved: thereforeunderstand the matter, and consider the vision. [10:11] And he said untome, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speakunto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when hehad spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling.ConclusionWhen names appear in dreams or visions, it does not violate God’s Word.Linda failed to search His Word until she found the answer. Again, God hasnever given this as a test of a prophet.Angel’s statement does not make sense?Linda Kirk says: (see Appendix L)“You asked the angel in the dream if my husband had received thesame dream. Here is the angel’s answer: “Many are shown and theyshare. Many are shown and they are afraid to share. Many are shown andthey do not recall. Many are shown and they recall after the appointedtime. Many are shown through the Father’s Spirit.” This statement fromthe angel made absolutely no sense to us. Did Brian have a dream that hedidn’t remember? We had no clue.”FactGod often conceals the meaning of a message for a purpose.God says:Matthew 13:13<strong>The</strong>refore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; andhearing they hear not, neither do they understand.Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 187<strong>The</strong>re are in the Scriptures some things which are hard to beunderstood, and which, according to the language of Peter, the unlearnedand unstable wrest unto their own destruction. We may not, in this life, beable to explain the meaning of every passage of Scripture; but there areno vital points to practical truth that will be clouded in mystery.S. D. A. Bible Commentary, Vol. 7, p. 919It is true that the apostle has said that there are some things that arehard to be understood in the Scriptures. So there are. And if it were notthat there are subjects that are difficult and hard to be understood, wellmight the skeptic who now pleads that God has given a revelation thatcannot be understood--well might he, I say--have something else to plead.God's infinity is so much higher than we are, that it is impossible for manto comprehend the mystery of godliness.

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