The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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Chapter Seven - Linda Kirk 287• Brethren in responsible positions “should not walk in their own ideas, butcounsel together” (Manuscript Releases, Vol. 2, pp. 333-334).So few accept the dreamsLinda Kirk says: (see Appendix L)“<strong>The</strong> fact that so few significant Bible students accepted the dreamswas another major cause for concern.“As you left our home, we hugged and all expressed our enjoyment ofour time together. It was an exciting and confusing time. We rememberyou stating that Brian and I, along with a couple in Ohio, the web master,and a pastor in Ohio were your main supporters. While that made us feelspecial, it also made us wonder why so few were accepting the dreams.”Fact<strong>The</strong> few that Linda mentioned were the main supporters at the time (early on inthe ministry), but they were not the only supporters. However, the majority havealways rejected God’s messages.God says:<strong>The</strong> Signs of the Times, February 7, 1878Jesus had said to the Pharisees: "This is your condemnation, that lighthas come into the world; and men choose darkness rather than light." Inevery age of the world, the majority have rejected the light that has shoneforth to illuminate the darkness of error. According to the unbelief andprejudice with which men, in spite of convincing evidence, oppose thetruth, is the intensity of their hatred of those who cherish it. In proportionto the light given will be the condemnation of those who reject it.Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 5, p. 99It is our duty to inquire the cause of this terrible darkness, that we mayshun the course by which men have brought upon themselves so greatdelusion. God has given the world an opportunity to learn and to obeyHis will. He has given them, in His word, the light of truth; He has sentthem warning, counsel, and admonition; but few will obey His voice.Like the Jewish nation, the majority, even of professed Christians, pridethemselves on their superior advantages, but make no returns to God forthese great blessings. In infinite mercy a last warning message has beensent to the world, announcing that Christ is at the door and callingattention to God's broken law. But as the antediluvians rejected withscorn the warning of Noah, so will the pleasure lovers of today reject themessage of God's faithful servants. <strong>The</strong> world pursues its unvaryinground, absorbed as ever in its business and its pleasures, while the wrathof God is about to be visited on the transgressors of His law.Redemption Or <strong>The</strong> First Advent Of Christ With His Life And <strong>Ministry</strong>, p.57Christ had come first to his own favored people, to proclaim thegracious words of salvation in their ears; but they refused to listen to hiswords. That which stirred their malice was the meekness and plainnesswith which he had explained the words of the prophets concerning

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