The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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Chapter Seven - Linda Kirk 251and hast not asked for thyself long life; neither hast asked riches forthyself, nor hast asked the life of thine enemies; but hast asked for thyselfunderstanding to discern judgment; Behold, I have done according to thywords: lo, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so thatthere was none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise likeunto thee.Conclusion<strong>For</strong> one to question whether a prophet can ask questions in their dream whileasleep reveals a lack of faith. To the question, is anything too hard for the Lord,the answer comes back that all things are possible with God. Linda commentson a subject that is far above her understanding of how God communicateswith His prophets.Webmaster changing dream?Linda Kirk says: (see Appendix L)“Less than one month after my initial contact with you, Ernie, youcalled me up one morning, and said, “You’d better sit down. I havesomething very important to tell you.” You then proceeded to tell me thatthe angel had selected me to edit the dream you just had. I was to edit it,and to email it directly to the web master, without you even seeing thefinal copy. Before I emailed it, I was to show it to my husband, who wasto make any necessary corrections to it according to information that theLord would show him. You suggested that my husband might have adream that might add to your dream.“I received by email a rough draft of the SDA Church dream onSeptember 28, 2007. I edited it, as per instructions, and emailed it to myhusband, who was out of town on a business trip. He read it and said hedidn’t have anything to add. He had received nothing from the Lord. Weboth thought this was rather strange. I then emailed it to the web master.But, I noticed that the dream that was posted had some minor changesmade to my edition. I guess the web master felt at liberty to change somethings that even you weren’t supposed to change.”Ernie’s dream says:<strong>The</strong> SDA Church, September 28, 2007“After you awake, prepare what I have shown you. Send it to Sister Z.She will serve in editing. When she is finished she is to have her husbandreview it. He will know if anything has been left out as he has alreadybeen shown. When he is in agreement with what has been prepared, it isto be sent straightaway to Brother S for posting for His people.” I askedthe Herald if Brother Z has received the dream. He said that many areshown and they share. Many are shown and they are afraid to share.Many are shown and they do not recall. Many are shown and they recallafter the appointed time. And many are shown through the Father’s Spirit.David Starkey wrote:“I am the web admin. I do not change what God tells Ernie.”David is saying that he only changed grammar or readability. He neverchanged the content or essence of the dreams. <strong>The</strong> other fact that Linda was

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