The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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Appendix AG. Edward Reid’s March 2008 NewsletterIn chapter 1, reference is made to Elder Reid’s March, 2008 newsletter. Thisappendix contains the section of the newsletter concerning Ernie Knoll.Source: http://www.adventiststewardship.org/images/1707/pdf/Mar08.docFalse Prophet of TithingBy G Edward ReidI have a keen personal interestregarding prophecy and thank God thatHe has chosen to use that method ofcommunication with mankind. Weknow that there will be false prophetsnear the end. Four times in Matthew 24alone, Jesus counsels us to beware offalse prophets. But we can’t justdismiss everyone who claims to be ledof God. Paul counseled “Do not despiseprophecies. Test all things; hold fastwhat is good” (1 <strong>The</strong>s. 5:20,21).Accordingly, when a person claims tobe speaking for God, we must testhis/her counsel according to the Wordof God to determine the veracity of thecounsel.Recently several people havebrought to my attention the “dreams” ofone, Ernie Knoll. He claims to be aSeventh-day Adventist who is beinggiven dreams from God about thecondition of the church and what iscoming on the earth. It is interestingthat in his February 5, 2008 “dream” hegives a series of footnotes from theBible and the Spirit of Prophecy. I hadnever seen footnoted dreams before butin evaluating this one I note that hegives “tithe counsel” directly contraryto what I already know to be true.<strong>The</strong> “false counsel” is: "It isimportant that His people understandwhile it is important that we are toreturn a tithe to God’s storehouse, it isequally important that they understandwhat the funds are being used for. If anindividual is providing funds and theyunderstand that the funds are not beingused according to His will, that personwill be held accountable.” To say thatthe individual donor of tithe andofferings is responsible for anymismanagement on the part of churchleaders is totally false. <strong>The</strong>re is no placein the Bible – Old or New Testament –where God has told His followers towithhold or redirect their tithes whenthey feel that they are being misused bythe church leaders. In fact, the onlyoffering that Jesus ever commendedwas when a poor widow gave two mites(apparently all she had) to a church thatwas just about to crucify Him! (SeeMark 12:41-44).We have two very relevantdocuments on our NAD website thataddress this very issue. <strong>The</strong>y are“Timely Counsels” and “<strong>The</strong> Work inMichigan” under the Tithe tab. Here aresome representative statements:“Some have been dissatisfied andhave said: ‘I will not longer pay mytithe; for I have no confidence in theway things are managed at the heart ofthe work."’ But will you rob Godbecause you think the management ofthe work is not right? Make yourcomplaint, plainly and openly, in theright spirit, to the proper ones. Send inyour petitions for things to be adjustedand set in order; but do not withdrawfrom the work of God, and proveunfaithful, because others are not doingright” (9T 249).<strong>The</strong> other article notes: “Cannotyou see that it is not best under any

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