The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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Chapter Seven - Linda Kirk 275Inspiration faithfully records the faults of good men, those who weredistinguished by the favor of God; indeed, their faults are more fullypresented than their virtues. This has been a subject of wonder to many,and has given the infidel occasion to scoff at the Bible. But it is one of thestrongest evidences of the truth of Scripture, that facts are not glossedover, nor the sins of its chief characters suppressed. <strong>The</strong> minds of men areso subject to prejudice that it is not possible for human histories to beabsolutely impartial. Had the Bible been written by uninspired persons, itwould no doubt have presented the character of its honored men in amore flattering light. But as it is, we have a correct record of theirexperiences.Men whom God favored, and to whom He entrusted greatresponsibilities, were sometimes overcome by temptation and committedsin, even as we at the present day strive, waver, and frequently fall intoerror. <strong>The</strong>ir lives, with all their faults and follies, are open before us, bothfor our encouragement and warning. If they had been represented aswithout fault, we, with our sinful nature, might despair at our ownmistakes and failures. . . . He sees sin in His most favored ones, and Hedeals with it in them even more strictly than in those who have less lightand responsibility.ConclusionIf God could use the disciples, all of which had serious faults before Jesuscalled them, if He could use Saul, one who condemned Christians to death, totake up their cross and follow Jesus, if he could give dreams toNebuchadnezzar, Esau and Pilate’s wife, why could He not use Ernie? Wheredoes the Bible say God cannot use such people? On the other hand, is this justa misguided belief of Linda’s?No sign of true repentance in your dreamLinda Kirk says: (see Appendix L)“And when you saw Jesus, and talked with Him, what was yourexperience then? I would have thought, according to many the biblicalaccounts of holy prophets who encountered divine or angelic beings, thatyou would have fallen on your face, in acknowledgement of greatunworthiness, especially in the light of your frame of mind when you fellasleep. I would have thought that you would have wept and bemoanedyour lack of faith, your blatant challenge to God, your prior wasted life indenying the power of God. A genuine conversion would have included allof this. Instead, you talked about the material aspects of heaven. Thatseems very shallow and superficial.”FactLinda is sharing her expectation of how a prophet should react. She mustrealize that “conversions are not all alike.” Saul’s experience of seeing Christ invision was simply, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” It does not say that hewept and bemoaned his lack of faith while in vision. That came after his vision.God says:Evangelism, pp. 287-288

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