The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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Chapter three - Steve Wohlberg 111the Father stayed all the hands. I watched when He was captured andaccusations were made by those who pressed on through evil agents todestroy the Son of God. I stood by ready to deliver my Master from theones who beat Him. I listened for a single word to deliver Him. I watchedas His created beings laid Him on a cross and nailed my Creator, myMaster, and drove the nails. I watched as they lifted the cross anddropped it into the hole in the earth. I watched as He, the Creator of theuniverse was mocked and a crown was made from a thorny bush andthrust upon His head. I watched as the Father could not look upon thescene and He turned His eyes as His Son died. I watched when JesusChrist of Nazareth, born of a virgin, born as a created man turned Hiseyes to the Father and said “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.”I watched when He was placed in the tomb and His resting place wasguarded over the Sabbath. I watched when the stone at the tomb wasrolled back. I watched when my Creator came forth victorious overLucifer. <strong>The</strong> Master had completed the plan for saving His creations.You ask if I will confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. Withmy testimony and my witness to all that I have seen I do stand before myCreator, the Father, the Holy Spirit, and all of His created beingsthroughout the universe. I do openly and without reservation declare withmy voice, yes, Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, came in the flesh.”Our hearts should leap for joy when reading this amazing confession! What awonderful Creator and Savior we serve! Compare this confession with 1 John4:1-3. Is there really any room for doubt as to which side the Herald is on? Hetruly does show, not only in his verbal confession that He is an angel of God butthat he lives his confession. This can be seen in all of Ernie’s dreams of theHerald. Here is an example: Why would an evil angel want to make thefollowing statement in the confession? “I watched when He was placed in thetomb and His resting place was guarded over the Sabbath.” Satan does notwant to emphasize the doctrine of the Sabbath when he is about to glorifySunday. In fact, he would not want to emphasize all of the other doctrinesthroughout Ernie’s dreams. See Appendix F.Someone brought to our attention another interesting detail of the Herald’sconfession as follows:What are the limits of the implications of the Herald’s use of the term “createdbeing” to describe Christ after His incarnation? A simple understanding of theuse of parallelism for emphasis and clarification can give us the answer. <strong>The</strong>Herald makes this definitive statement: “But yet I saw such love the Father hadthat He allowed His only Son to give up His place on the throne and become acreated Being. Jesus the Creator became a human. He became that which wascreated in His own image.” In this passage it is clear that the Herald intendsthat “created Being”, “human”, and “that which was created in His own image”be considered synonymous. Thus by the use of the term “created being”, theHerald intends only to signify that Christ became a man. This fact is furtheremphasized by the Herald’s later use of the term “created man” in which hemakes it clear that the “created being” signified was man. This is all standardEnglish usage. In addition to standard usage, we should not be surprised thatthe Herald would use parallelism to make his point. This is understood to be the

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