The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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Chapter four - Eugene Prewitt 171not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the LORD shall he behold:wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?Christ Triumphant, p. 334Daniel identified himself with Israel’s sins, and confessed their sins ashis own. He prayed, “O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive; O Lord, hearken anddo; defer not, for thine own sake, O my God: for thy city and thy peopleare called by thy name.” Yet Gabriel, the heavenly messenger, thricecalled him a man greatly beloved.ConclusionMr. Prewitt is so busy trying to find many reasons why Ernie’s dreams are notfrom God that he misses all the wonderful lessons that Christ is trying to teach.From Signs of the Times, June 13, 1906: “But to read the Scriptures in a casualway, without seeking to comprehend Christ's lessons or to comply with Hisrequirements, is not enough. <strong>The</strong>re are treasures in the Word of God that canbe discovered only by sinking the shaft deep into the mines of truth.” Would notthis apply to all of God’s messages given through dreams, visions, or Hisangels until the end of this world?WitnessesPrewitt says: (see Appendix I)“Ernie was shown that some prominent person would rise to be hishelper in the work of promoting the dreams. He was shown the name ofthat person, but has not revealed it because he wants that person to join ofhis own free will. However, to give confirmation to God’s foreknowledgeof the person’s decision, Ernie has shared the name with ‘a few selectpersons to be used as witnesses.’“<strong>The</strong> fulfillment of some predictions is not, of course, an evidence ofthe truthfulness of the claims of the predictor. Incredibly, some of thepredictions of false prophets came to be fulfilled during Ellen White’stime…“Still, it would be helpful to know the names of those entrusted withthe name of the individual. <strong>The</strong>ir reputation for integrity and honestywould be something interesting to check into. Why? Because none otherthan Joseph Smith relied heavily on ‘witnesses’ to confirm events thattended to back his claims. But after a decade many of these ‘witnesses’had repudiated their statements of affirmation and were shown to begenerally unreliable persons even at the time they were chosen aswitnesses.”FactEllen White wrote about witnesses of her visions. Examples were given earlierin this chapter. One more follows.Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 2, p. 168At this meeting our dear Bro. Benson was convicted of the truth. Hebelieved the vision he witnessed to be the power of God, and wasaffected by it. He fully embraced the truth. Others decided at that meetingto obey all God's commandments and live. Since that meeting we havemet Bro. B.'s cheerful countenance in every conference we have attended

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