The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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Chapter Seven - Linda Kirk 319excitement will die away and leave the world and the church in a worsecondition than before.<strong>The</strong>re is nothing in the Bible that advocates the following procedure done byOGR:“I had all my elders (6) come forward. We knelt and I anointed all ofthem on their eyelids (this was explained from Rev. 3, that we might allsee our true need, and be enabled to see what needed to be cleansed fromour homes, etc.) I then prayed aloud for them.”“Two of the Elders in turn anointed my eyelids and both prayed for mealoud.“We continued this until all heads of household had been anointed ontheir eyelids.”In reading Revelation 3:17-20, the eye salve comes from Jesus not the elders,and the key is to repent and ask Jesus to abide with us.Does OGR promote the keeping of feast days?"Sunset Friday, May 18, is the beginning of the Sixth Sabbath of theSeven Sabbaths towards Pentecost! <strong>The</strong> 43rd Day in the count of Omer.That was the same day Yeshua ascended to heaven as per Acts 1:9-10.Counting backwards to the first day that Yeshua was being seen you arriveat the Third Day of the week, or don’t you? That day began at sunset on aMonday, do you see?Source: http://operationglobalrain.webdevdepot.net/wp/2007/05/08/perfecttiming-may-18-and-the-40-days-of-prayer/With widespread apostasy in the Church, the latter rain cannot fall.<strong>The</strong> Review and Herald, July 21, 1896When we have entire, wholehearted consecration to the service ofChrist, God will recognize the fact by an outpouring of His Spirit withoutmeasure; but this will not be while the largest portion of the church arenot laborers together with God. God cannot pour out His Spirit whenselfishness and self-indulgence are so manifest; when a spirit prevailsthat, if put into words, would express that answer of Cain,-- "Am I mybrother's keeper?"<strong>For</strong> those who have not heard the presentation Ernie and Becky shared in theirspeaking engagements, here are portions from the ending on revival andrepentance. As you read it, compare it with OGR and come to your ownconclusion as to whether Ernie promotes a true revival.S.D.A. Bible Commentary, Vol. 4, p. 1184“In this age, just prior to the second coming of Christ in the clouds ofheaven, God calls for men who will prepare a people to stand in the greatday of the Lord. Just such a work as that which John did, is to be carried

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