The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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106the <strong>TRUTH</strong>, the whole <strong>TRUTH</strong>, and nothing but the <strong>TRUTH</strong>Wohlberg says: (see Appendix H)“Concerning Ed Reid, the dream states:<strong>The</strong> third man, whom I do not recognize, is countingmoney. I hear him say, ‘All money belongs to God and is tobe kept in only my storehouse.’I do know Ed Reid. He is a good friend and one of the godliest men Iknow. His end-time <strong>book</strong>s, 3ABN presentations, and many talks at campmeetings have blessed tens of thousands of people. He is a true man ofGod seeking to prepare others for the return of Jesus Christ. Yet thedream acknowledges none of this. Ed is only portrayed as a moneycounter who wants to keep the money in ‘my storehouse.’ How unjust!”FactFirst of all, Ed Reid is depicted as counting money simply because he is theChurch’s Stewardship director for the North American Division. In his article, InSearch of the Storehouse, Ed Reid makes it clear that his view and the policy ofthe Church is that the local conferences constitute the storehouse or treasuryand thus the central depository for all tithes. Furthermore, it has been the policyof the Church since 1985 that no tithe money is to be given to any independentministry, and the Church requires (not legally binding) that any independentministry (supportive of the Church) include as part of their policies that they willnot accept tithe money from donors. <strong>The</strong>refore, the statement “only in mystorehouse” is absolutely correct.Reid, In Search of the Storehouse.So what can we learn from the Scriptures about tithe? First, the tithedoesn’t belong to us. It is the Lord’s. It is holy. Second, we are to followGod’s plan precisely in regard to where we return our tithe. In OldTestament times that place was the Temple storehouse from which thepriests and Levites were paid. Today the equivalent would be theconference office from which the pastors are paid. And third, the tithe isto be used as God directed—to support the ministry.Elder Reid also clearly states that the ministry does not include independentministries supportive of the Church. It does not make sense and is not even afair requirement to not allow supportive ministries to have a share of the tithe. Ifthey were not supportive of the Church, then it would be a fair request. This inno way is supported in God’s Word.Reid, In Search of the Storehouse.Some members have wondered whether or not it would be appropriateto send their tithe directly to denominational institutions such as theentities at the Adventist Media Center where ordained Adventistministers are employed. Church leaders have felt that . . . the conferencelevel of our church organization should be recognized as the storehouse.“Church leaders have felt that . . . the conference level of our churchorganization should be recognized as the storehouse” should be replaced with“God’s Word states that ministers and gospel workers who are doing God’sbidding should be recognized as the storehouse.”

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