The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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Chapter Seven - Linda Kirk 255ConclusionJust because parts of Ernie’s dreams seem strange or are not easy tounderstand, it does not mean they are not from God. Paul wrote of things thatare hard to understand, yet Linda does not reject him. Regarding Daniel andRevelation, who can say there is nothing strange or hard to understand in those<strong>book</strong>s? If Ernie’s dreams had nothing strange in them or were all easy tounderstand, then we could more easily assume they are not from God.A close friendship?Linda Kirk says: (see Appendix L)“We continued communicating with you, developing a closefriendship.”Ernie and Becky disagree with Linda’s statement. Even though they wouldhave liked to develop a close friendship, they do not believe it happened afterseveral phone calls and one visit in person within two months’ time. It was ashort friendship and not a close friendship.Researching Ernie KnollLinda Kirk says: (see Appendix L)“I did some research of my own. First, I asked you if you wereinvolved in a small group, such as a Bible study group or fellowship. Yousaid no. I asked who your close friends were locally, and you said youdidn’t have many close friends. I asked where you fellowshipped atchurch, and you said that you didn’t attend church regularly, because youoften just rested at home on Sabbath. Other times you visited around tochurches, because the church your membership was at was too far away.You also talked about your speaking appointments, but as it turned out,you had really had few speaking appointments, and two of the major onesturned out to be disasters for you because they were cancelled after youarrived.I was trying to find others who knew you before the dreams came,from whom I could obtain a character reference. I called your pastor, buthe didn’t want to talk about you much, and referred me to your father-inlaw.I called that number, and talked with your mother-in-law.”Fact• <strong>The</strong> fact that Ernie was not in a Bible study group or did not have manyclose friends locally at the time does not prove anything.• Ernie was not attending church regularly at the time because of his poorhealth. <strong>The</strong> church where he had his membership was too far awaybecause at the time he had recently moved.• Yes, at the time Ernie had only a few speaking appointments, becausethe ministry was just beginning. It is a disgrace that members of God’slast-day church would actually cancel a meeting after Ernie and Beckyarrived. Ernie was just beginning to learn the results of opposition. Furtherdetails of one incident appear later in this chapter. However, we fail to seewhy having few speaking appointments is a factor. Is it a rule that everyministry must always have lots of speaking engagements? On the other

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