The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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Chapter three - Steve Wohlberg 121generations. Truth, passing by those who despise and reject it, willtriumph. Although at times apparently retarded, its progress has neverbeen checked. When the message of God meets with opposition, He givesit additional force, that it may exert greater influence. Endowed withdivine energy, it will cut its way through the strongest barriers andtriumph over every obstacle.<strong>The</strong> Bible messages to mankind are recorded by God’s servants, the prophets.God has sent messengers throughout history to convey messages to Hispeople. In every generation that has been privileged to have a messenger ofGod, the majority rejected the messenger and the messages. <strong>The</strong> argument ismade that they already have all the revelation they need. <strong>The</strong> Israelite leaderstried to silence Isaiah, Jeremiah, and others. When Jesus was on this earth, theJewish leaders wanted to stop with Moses and the prophets. Many did notbelieve the messages sent through Ellen White, claiming they had all therevelation they needed through the Bible. But do they? Are they not missingsomething by rejecting God’s additional messages for their time? Have we notbeen told that we are held responsible for rejecting those messages?We know that revelation will not stop. <strong>The</strong> Bible tells us that in the last daysGod will send many messengers to His people. It is imperative that if God takesthe time to send messages to us, that we listen to the messenger. <strong>The</strong> Heraldgives the command to those who are willing to accept his testimony. If PastorWohlberg does not like the word “command,” then he will have to reject the TenCommandments.If we believe in the test of 1 John 4:1-3 (and the Herald has clearly met thattest), then the one Whom he serves is the Lord Almighty. Thus,acknowledgment of the messages is a reasonable and logical progression andan imperative for God’s people.God says:Pacific Union Recorder, October 20, 1904God has a controversy with many of His people. <strong>The</strong> time of the end isnear. Warning after warning has been given. Unless God's people heedthese messages, the Spirit of the Lord will leave them to their own ways,to be filled with the fruit of their own doings.Faith and Works, p. 122We need not think that because our fathers did a certain way and diedhappy, we may follow in their footsteps and be accepted in rendering thesame service and doing the same works that they did.We have more light than they had in their day; and if we would beaccepted of God, we must be as faithful in obeying the light and walkingin it as they were in receiving and obeying the light that God sent to them.We must accept and improve the light that shines upon our pathway asfaithfully as they accepted and improved the light that fell upon theirpathway in their generation. We shall be judged according to the lightthat shines into the soul-temple in our day; and if we follow the light, weshall be free men and women in Christ Jesus.

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