The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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70the <strong>TRUTH</strong>, the whole <strong>TRUTH</strong>, and nothing but the <strong>TRUTH</strong>from the work of God, and prove unfaithful, because others are not doingright (9T 249)Steve’s comment: If some are not doing right, even at ‘the heart of thework,’ we should still pay our tithe there, or we are robbing God.[Ellen White] Cannot you see that it is not best under anycircumstances to withhold your tithes and offerings because you are notin harmony with everything that your brethren do? <strong>The</strong> tithes andofferings are not the property of any man, but are to be used in doing acertain work for God. Unworthy ministers may receive some of themeans thus raised, but dare anyone, because of this, withhold from thetreasury and brave the curse of God? I dare not(2 Sermons and Talks, 74).Steve’s comment: Some of our tithe may be misused and go to‘unworthy ministers,’ but this is no reason not to pay our tithes into ‘thetreasury.’ It is “not best under any circumstances” to withhold our tithe; ifwe do, we risk the curse of God.”Fact<strong>The</strong> context of Ellen White’s quote was about robbing God. <strong>People</strong> hadstopped paying tithe altogether, because it was not being used correctly. Noticethat Pastor Wohlberg fails to show the rest of Ellen White’s quote. As you readit in context, you will notice it says, “<strong>The</strong> Lord will not hold you responsible for itif you do what you can to correct the evil.” This means that if people are awareof misuse and continue to support corrupt ministers and do nothing about it,God will hold them accountable. Why does Pastor Wohlberg not mention hisconcern over the misuse of funds by those who collect it today? Has he notdone his part to correct the evil?God says:Sermons and Talks, Vol. 2, p. 74You who have been withholding your means from the cause of God,read the <strong>book</strong> of Malachi and see what is spoken there in regard to tithesand offerings. Cannot you see that it is not best under any circumstancesto withhold your tithes and offerings because you are not in harmonywith everything that your brethren do? <strong>The</strong> tithes and offerings are not theproperty of any man, but are to be used in doing a certain work for God.Unworthy ministers may receive some of the means thus raised, but dareanyone, because of this, withhold from the treasury and brave the curse ofGod? I dare not. I pay my tithe gladly and freely, saying, as did David,"Of Thine own have we given <strong>The</strong>e." A selfish withholding from Godwill tend to poverty in our own souls. Act your part, my brethren andsisters. God loves you, and He stands at the helm. If the conferencebusiness is not managed according to the order of the Lord, that is the sinof the erring one. <strong>The</strong> Lord will not hold you responsible for it if you dowhat you can to correct the evil. But do not commit sin yourselves bywithholding from the Lord His own property. "Cursed be he that doeththe work of the Lord deceitfully" or negligently.Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 3, p. 553It would be poor policy to support from the treasury of God those whoreally mar and injure His work, and who are constantly lowering thestandard of Christianity.

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