The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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364the <strong>TRUTH</strong>, the whole <strong>TRUTH</strong> and nothing but the <strong>TRUTH</strong>dreams. In other words, he is trying to demonstrate that his messages aresupported by God’s previous revelations to his people. This makes hisdreams almost irrelevant for the church. What we need to do is read theBible and the Spirit of Prophecy. But one of the dreams created a problemfor him. In it tithe was discussed and the teaching was not in agreementwith what the Bible teaches about tithing. <strong>The</strong> angel tells him that theindividual decides to whom he or she should give the tithe. This is not whatyou find in the Bible and in the writings of Ellen G. White. ApparentlyBrother Ernie received quite a bit of reaction to this dream and somealleged that he modified it. But the truth is that he is still promoting thisdream on his webpage. It has also been stated that he changed one of hisdreams about the 144,000 because the original version of it contradicted theSpirit of Prophecy.What can we conclude about the dreams? It is extremely difficult toassign the dreams to a particular source of origin. <strong>The</strong> last point we madeabout tithing as well as the overall nature of the dreams raise seriousquestions about their divine origin. But perhaps one of the main problemswe face is that the influence of the dreams may lead people to rely more onthem than on the Scripture. Consequently, they could be distracted from thestudy of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. This could lead them toemphasize our subjective experiences as a reliable guide in the search fortruth. <strong>The</strong> times in which we live are dangerous times and the closer westay to the Bible, spending time studying it, the safest it would be for thechurch. We do not deny that the Lord will pour His Spirit out on His peoplein an unprecedented way, but we should also be aware of the deceptions ofthe last days. I do not believe that Brother Ernie is trying to deceiveanybody. I only call you, the reader, to be wise and prudent and wait for theLord instead of spending time with dreams whose origin we cannot clearlyverify.Angel Manuel RodriguezFebruary 2009

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