The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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310the <strong>TRUTH</strong>, the whole <strong>TRUTH</strong>, and nothing but the <strong>TRUTH</strong>Only the living, acting power of our Redeemer can save us from the wilesof the enemy.ConclusionAs pointed out in chapter 1, God holds us accountable for supporting corruptionif we are aware of it and do nothing to try to correct it. As Elijah was accused ofbeing the one who had caused all of Israel’s troubles, so Linda does not haveany problem accusing Ernie of bringing “upheaval and confusion to the church.”Perhaps we should be asking who is really bringing this trouble.Betrayed a trustLinda Kirk says: (see Appendix L)“At that time, I knew I could no longer be connected in any way withthe 4His<strong>People</strong> ministry. I told Steve Wohlberg the name of the person inthe Much To Do dream. That was part of my disassociation from thedreams.”FactAs for Linda asserting that she was part of the 4 His <strong>People</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong>, she wasnot. <strong>The</strong> Herald's instruction invited Linda to edit “<strong>The</strong> SDA Church” dream,which was the extent of her involvement with the ministry.<strong>For</strong> Linda to have betrayed a trust is not something a Christian would do.God says:Pastoral <strong>Ministry</strong>, p. 41Should I, who am a Christian, a child of God; one called to be the lightof the world, a preacher of righteousness; who have so often expressedmy confidence in the truth and the way in which the Lord has led us,should I unite my influence with those who bitterly oppose the work ofGod? Should I, a steward of the mysteries of God, open to His worstenemies the counsels of His people? Would not such a course emboldenthe wicked in their opposition to the truth of God and to His covenantkeepingpeople? Would not such concession prevent me from openingmy lips in exhortation, warning, or entreaty in my own family or in thechurch of God? If Paul or Peter were placed in similar circumstances,would he thus betray a sacred trust?--ST Jan. 3, 1884.Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 36It was a betrayal of sacred trust to take that which Jesus designedshould be kept secret, and publish it to others, and bring upon the cause oftruth reproach and injury.Gospel Workers (1892), pp. 443-444Brethren sometimes associate together for years, and think they cantrust those they know so well, just as they would trust members of theirown family. <strong>The</strong>re is a freedom and confidence in this association whichcould not exist among those not of the same faith. This is very pleasantwhile brotherly love continues; but let the "accuser of the brethren" gainadmittance to the heart of one of these men, controlling the mind and theimagination, and jealousies are created, suspicion and envy are harbored;

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