The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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440the <strong>TRUTH</strong>, the whole <strong>TRUTH</strong>, and nothing but the <strong>TRUTH</strong><strong>The</strong> Work Now Begins: “As for me not having a broad understanding of theBible and Spirit of Prophecy, the Herald says that I have a broader understandingthan I might know and that because I am not ordained of man does not mean Iam not ordained of God. <strong>The</strong> angel says that the Great Teacher has many waysof teaching other than what one can read in what He has written.” This lastsentence directly contradicts the following statement: “<strong>The</strong> Bible will never besuperseded by miraculous manifestations. <strong>The</strong> truth must be studied, it must besearched for as hidden treasure. Wonderful illuminations will not be given asidefrom the Word or to take the place of it.” 2SM 48 This clearly says that God willnot bypass His Word.If God was going to go against all His biblical principles in selecting you as Hisend-time messenger, and exalting you above all other humans on the earth ashaving the final Word from Him, how would we be able to know that? Based onyour word? By miracles? By your emotional love for the being that has appearedbefore you? By “miraculous” feelings and impressions. None of these are safeguides. We are left with the option of standing by the God of the Bible, who hasrevealed Himself to us through His Word and the Spirit of Prophecy.<strong>The</strong>re are many other things in the dreams that bring confusion. I will not go intothem all. Those who have read the dreams should know what I am talking about.As you ended your video, your prayer for each one who viewed the video wasstated as this: “And I know that my prayer would be that, if my prayer could beanswered that every one that watches this and has read this dream, that you couldsee what I see when I look into the eyes of Jesus. <strong>The</strong>re’s a love that we cannotdescribe, there’s no words, except just to say of the love of the love of the love.”Ernie, do you really think it is in the wise plan of God to give each one of Hischildren a vision of Jesus? And if we don’t have such a vision, should we feelthat we aren’t special enough? This does not sound like the prayer of a prophet tome. A true prophet would encourage God’s people to endure, as seeing Him whois invisible, by faith. “Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now yesee him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:” 1Peter 1:8<strong>The</strong> first part of this year, there was quite a dry spell with no dreams, and I hadlittle communication with you and Becky. <strong>My</strong> confidence was waning..It was after speaking with Steve Wohlberg on the weekend retreat at WawonaCamp in Yosemite in March of this year that I realized the absolute danger ofthese dreams. Besides all the concerns I had listed above, the tithe issue was theclincher.In a real practical way, I thought this out: Let’s say a pastor in our conference ismingling spiritualistic theories in his teaching. I express my concern to theconference president. Nothing is done, the teaching continues. I decide to givemy tithe to you, Ernie, instead of to my conference, since you are “doing theLord’s bidding” and I wouldn’t want to be responsible for supporting the pastorwho was teaching spiritualism. What would happen to my own godly pastor’ssalary if I withheld my tithe? What if all my friends did the same? What if half of

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