The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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Chapter six - Vance Ferrell 197testimony and commandments are linked together; theycannot be separated. ----- That comes first, the tencommandments by God. . . .ConclusionIt is true Ernie asks many questions in his dreams. <strong>The</strong> Herald at one time evensaid patiently that Ernie always has questions. But to conclude that Ernie canask any mundane question in a dream is false. Elder Ferrell bases this point onLinda’s statement and not what he heard Ernie say personally, since he nevercontacted Ernie. Elder Ferrell failed to thoroughly study God’s Word to find thetruth. He did not follow God’s counsel on how to test a prophet. Knowing thatother prophets asked questions in dreams or visions, why is it wrong for Ernieto do the same? Because we do not understand something, does not make itfalse. “<strong>The</strong> secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things whichare revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all thewords of this law.” Deuteronomy 29:29. We do not need to be concerned withthose things that God has not revealed to us. Perhaps in His time He will revealit.Changing the dreamsFerrell says: (see Appendix K)“Changing the dreams—Another thing that disturbed Linda was that,after Ernie told her the angel wanted her to edit the dreams, the angelspecifically said she was to type them, and her husband, Brian, was thento check them over. <strong>The</strong>n she was not to send them to Ernie to verify, butto Ernie’s webmaster who was to put them on the internet exactly asreceived from Linda. But she later found that the description of what wassaid in the dreams would be significantly changed later before beingplaced on the internet. So that which finally appeared was not the originalcontent of what Ernie was supposed to have dreamed.”Fact<strong>The</strong> following points show that Elder Ferrell made untruthful statements. First ofall, neither Ernie nor Linda have said that Linda was to type or edit all of Ernie’sdreams. Notice Elder Ferrell implies this by referring to dreams rather than adream. <strong>The</strong> fact is that Linda was only asked to edit one dream.<strong>The</strong> second point to notice is whether the dream Linda edited was significantlychanged as stated by Elder Ferrell. According to what Linda wrote, it was not.“I then emailed it to the web master. But, I noticed that the dream thatwas posted had some minor changes made to my edition. I guess the webmaster felt at liberty to change some things that even you weren’tsupposed to change.”What agenda is Elder Ferrell pushing? Linda plainly stated in her letter thatsome “minor changes” were made. Yet Elder Ferrell says the dream was“significantly changed.” Where did he get this new information? Or is he takingit upon himself to create as much doubt about Ernie as he can?

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