The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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Chapter six - Vance Ferrell 225sent. Put your soul in the hands of no man, for that man may be an agentof Lucifer. Did I not write that in the last days, I will pour out of <strong>My</strong>Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dreamdreams? Those that claim to prophesy will have the spirits tested to knowif they are to the law and the testimony. If they test the spirits and they are<strong>My</strong> words and they admit it is <strong>My</strong> words, grace be unto them. But thosethat dismiss <strong>My</strong> words and call good evil, cursed be the ground they walkon.”We can gather much counsel from what Jesus has said in “Testing the Spirits”as well as the Bible and Ellen White’s writings.ConclusionIf we used Elder Ferrell’s reasoning, then we would have to throw out EllenWhite, because she was taught in ways other than the Bible, especially as seenin her 70 years of revelations through approximately 2,000 visions or dreams.Like other critics, in his attempt to discredit Ernie, Elder Farrell would destroythe way in which God has taught all His prophets. To suggest that God can onlyteach us through His Word does not make sense. Ellen White and all God’sprophets were instructed directly by God. If this never happened, then therewould be no written record of God’s words. It is tragic that Elder Ferrell resortedto half-truths, changed what has been quoted in Ernie’s dreams, and usedsecond-hand information in order to discredit Ernie. How much of thesemethods has Elder Ferrell used in writing about others?<strong>For</strong> further details, see “Bible never superseded” in chapter 7.Linda rejects the dreamsFerrell says: (see Appendix K)“Linda makes her decision—Eventually, the continually increasingevidence reached such a point, that Linda decided to reject the dreams—and do it openly. This was not an easy decision; for the dreams had suchan almost hypnotic attraction to her, after she started reading them.”FactLinda did reject the dreams openly, but there was no “evidence” as Elder Ferrellstates. It was based upon her own feelings of who could be a prophet, not bycarefully comparing Ernie’s dreams with God’s Word.Linda stated that “the addictive power of the dreams is strong.” Yet Elder Ferrellchanges her words to say “the dreams had such an almost hypnotic attractionto her.” We find it interesting that he not only changes what Linda stated butsays that Ernie’s dreams are “almost hypnotic.” It reminds us of how EllenWhite was accused of mesmerism (hypnosis). Amazingly, Elder Ferrell states “.. . the messages given him [Ernie] by the “angel” sound very similar to whatEllen White wrote” yet then Elder Ferrell says they are “almost hypnotic”!God says:Mind, Character, and Personality, Vol. 2, p. 719It was reported all around [in 1845] that the visions were the result ofmesmerism, and many Adventists [remnants of the Adventists who had

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