The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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Chapter Seven - Linda Kirk 269motives will be impugned, their best efforts misinterpreted, and theirnames cast out as evil. Satan will work with all his deceptive power toinfluence the heart and becloud the understanding, to make evil appeargood, and good evil. <strong>The</strong> stronger and purer the faith of God's people, andthe firmer their determination to obey Him, the more fiercely will Satanstrive to stir up against them the rage of those who, while claiming to berighteous, trample upon the law of God. It will require the firmest trust,the most heroic purpose, to hold fast the faith once delivered to the saints.Christian Experience and Teaching of Ellen G. White, p. 140Excessive labor, care, and anxiety, a lack of proper and nourishingfood, and exposure to cold in our long winter journeys, were too much formy husband, and he sank under the burden. He became so weak that hecould scarcely walk to the printing office. Our faith was tried to theutmost. We had willingly endured privation, toil, and suffering, yet ourmotives were misinterpreted, and we were regarded with distrust andjealousy. Few of those for whose good we had suffered, seemed toappreciate our efforts.We were too much troubled to sleep or rest. <strong>The</strong> hours in which weshould have been refreshed with sleep, were often spent in answeringlong communications occasioned by envy. Many hours, while otherswere sleeping, we spent in agonizing tears, and mourning before theLord.Our Father Cares, p. 267Troublous times are before us. In many instances, friends will becomealienated. Without cause, men will become our enemies. <strong>The</strong> motives ofthe people of God will be misinterpreted, not only by the world, but bytheir own brethren. <strong>The</strong> Lord’s servants will be put in hard places. Amountain will be made out of a molehill to justify men in pursuing aselfish, unrighteous course.Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 1, p. 328God has placed the gifts in the church that the church may be benefitedby them; and when professed believers in the truth oppose these gifts, andfight against the visions, souls are in danger through their influence, andit is time then to labor with them, that the weak may not be led astray bytheir influence.ConclusionAs far as possible, we are to labor with those who fight against the visions sothat the “weak may not be led astray.” However, what we are discovering is thatthose who do will meet with the same opposition as those who have dreamsand visions. We must remember that the opposition never stopped Jesus fromgoing to the cross for our sake!Biggest red flag - Ernie’s conversion and being angrywith God

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