The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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42the <strong>TRUTH</strong>, the whole <strong>TRUTH</strong>, and nothing but the <strong>TRUTH</strong>Rodríguez casts doubtRodríguez says: (see Appendix E)“He was a local church elder and supposedly has identified himself asan ordained pastor.”FactErnie Knoll has never claimed to be an ordained pastor of the Seventh-dayAdventist Church. <strong>The</strong>refore, what Elder Rodríguez stated is untrue. God,however, sees it differently. Following are two excerpts from Ernie’s dreams.<strong>The</strong> Work Now Begins, December 14, 2007As for me not having a broad understanding of the Bible and Spirit ofProphecy, the Herald says that I have a broader understanding than Imight know and that because I am not ordained of man does not mean Iam not ordained of God.In His Time, July 12, 2008Jesus turns to me and says, “Man ordains man to serve on <strong>My</strong> behalfbut I have called you personally to serve on <strong>My</strong> behalf.<strong>The</strong>re is a psychological technique frequently used by attorneys to get a jury tomake a decision favorable to their client when hard evidence doesn’t supporttheir viewpoint. First they create a supposition, a speculation that they offer aspossible truth. <strong>The</strong>n they create a spin on those suppositions and present thoseas appearing to be facts. Next they present the logical conclusion based onthose “facts.” <strong>The</strong>ir purpose is to create enough doubt in the mind of the jury toaccomplish their desired goal. Notice the frequent use of this technique as youread Elder Rodríguez’s letter. <strong>The</strong>re is an intent to create doubt about themessages and thus lead people to ignore the messages rather than studyingthem with Scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy (writings of Ellen G. White). Anexample is using the word “supposedly.”God says:Counsels for the Church, p. 344False reports will be circulated, and some will be taken in this snare.<strong>The</strong>y will believe these rumors and in their turn will repeat them, and thusa link will be formed connecting them with the archdeceiver. This spiritwill not always be manifested in an open defiance of the messages thatGod sends, but a settled unbelief is expressed in many ways. Every falsestatement that is made feeds and strengthens this unbelief, and throughthis means many souls will be balanced in the wrong direction.Our High Calling, p. 359Our gracious Redeemer looked down the stream of time, and beheldthe perils that would in the last days surround His chosen. . . . If themembers of the church labor faithfully to build up the cause of truth, theywill not escape the tongue of gossip, falsehood, and slander. “All that willlive godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” 2 Tim. 3:12. <strong>The</strong>irconsistent, unwavering course is a constant rebuke of the unbelief, pride,and selfishness of the hypocritical professor.

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