The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

The TRUTH book Volume 1 (PDF) - For My People Ministry

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Appendix JWould You Have Accepted <strong>The</strong>m?Listed below are names of prophets, including Jesus, and descriptions thatmention “objectionable” points about their life or ministry. With hindsight it iseasy to answer the questions below correctly, but try to imagine you were thereand give an honest answer. A negative answer to any of these questions mayindicate that you, along with Mr. Prewitt, are susceptible to limiting the work ofGod and may be deceived when God sends a true prophet.Prophet Description QuestionNoahAbrahamMosesNoah preached a message that was notonly unpopular but totally against thebeliefs of the scientists of his day, whothought it was impossible for it to rain, notto mention flood the whole earth. Noahcould not prove his message from ascientific point of view, but he knew it wasfrom God. (Genesis 6:17)Abraham was a faithful person and is oftenreferred to as a man of faith. Yet one dayhe and his son, Isaac, left their home to goon a strange mission. God had instructedAbraham to sacrifice his son. This is whatthe pagans did to appease their gods.(Genesis 22:1-2)Moses was a stranger to the people of God.He murdered an Egyptian and then fled forhis life. <strong>For</strong>ty years later he returns, only toclaim that God spoke to him from aburning bush, instructing that he was tolead God’s people out of Egypt. (Exodus2:11-12; 3:2; 4:29-30)When approaching the Red Sea, the armiesof Egypt came to destroy the children ofIsrael. With nowhere to go, the peopleblamed Moses and accused him of leadingthem out to die in the wilderness. (Exodus14:10-12)After the children of Israel had complainedand accused Moses of leading them intothe desert to die, he disobeyed God bystriking the rock, thus forfeiting his chanceof entering the Promised Land. (Numbers20:9-12)Would you have acceptedNoah’s message even thoughit went against scientificproof?Would you have believedthat God would tell Hisservant to kill his son?Would you have believedMoses, even though youthought it strange that Godwould speak from a burningbush and even though Moseshad killed someone?Would you have trusted thatGod was still leading Mosesin spite of the seeminglyimpossible situation?Would you still haveaccepted Moses as God’smessenger, even though hedisobeyed God?

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