Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications

Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications

Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications


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Logic Families 137multi-emitter input transistor of the Schottky TTL by diodes D 1 <strong>and</strong> D 2 <strong>and</strong> resistor R 1 . The junctiondiodes basically replace the two emitter-base junctions of the multi-emitter input transistor Q 1 of theSchottky TTL NAND (Fig. 5.19). The reason for doing so is that Schottky diodes can be made smallerthan the transistor <strong>and</strong> therefore will have lower parasitic capacitances. Also, since Q 1 of LS-TTL (Fig.5.20) cannot saturate, it is not necessary to remove its base charge with a bipolar junction transistor. Characteristic FeaturesCharacteristic features of this family are summarized as follows: V IH = 2V; V IL = 0.8 V; I IH = 20 A;I IL = 0.4 mA; V OH = 2.7 V; V OL = 0.5 V; I OH = 0.4 mA; I OL = 8 mA; V CC = 4.75–5.25 V (74-series) <strong>and</strong>4.5–5.5 V (54-series); propagation delay (for a load resistance of 280 , a load capacitance of15 pF, V CC = 5 V <strong>and</strong> an ambient temperature of 25 °C) = 15 ns (max.) for both LOW-to-HIGH <strong>and</strong>HIGH-to-LOW output transitions; worst-case noise margin = 0.3 V; fan-out = 20; I CCH (for all fourgates) = 1.6 mA; I CCL (for all four gates) = 4.4 mA; operating temperature range = 0–70 °C (74-series) <strong>and</strong> −55 to +125 °C (54-series); speed–power product = 18 pJ; maximum flip-flop togglefrequency = 45 MHz.5.3.7 Advanced Low-Power Schottky TTL (74ALS/54ALS)The basic ideas behind the development of the advanced low-power Schottky TTL (ALS-TTL) <strong>and</strong>advanced Schottky TTL (AS-TTL) discussed in Section 5.3.8 were further to improve both speed<strong>and</strong> power consumption performance of the low-power Schottky TTL <strong>and</strong> Schottky TTL familiesrespectively. In the TTL subfamilies discussed so far, we have seen that different subfamilies achievedimproved speed at the expense of increased power consumption, or vice versa. For example, the lowpowerTTL offered lower power consumption over st<strong>and</strong>ard TTL at the cost of reduced speed. Thehigh-power TTL, on the other h<strong>and</strong>, offered improved speed over the st<strong>and</strong>ard TTL at the expense ofincreased power consumption. ALS-TTL <strong>and</strong> AS-TTL incorporate certain new circuit design features<strong>and</strong> fabrication technologies to achieve improvement of both parameters. Both ALS-TTL <strong>and</strong> AS-TTLoffer an improvement in speed–power product respectively over LS-TTL <strong>and</strong> S-TTL by a factor of 4.Salient features of ALS-TTL <strong>and</strong> AS-TTL include the following:1. All saturating transistors are clamped by using Schottky diodes. This virtually eliminates the storageof excessive base charge, thus significantly reducing the turn-off time of the transistors. Eliminationof transistor storage time also provides stable switching times over the entire operational temperaturerange.2. Inputs <strong>and</strong> outputs are clamped by Schottky diodes to limit the negative-going excursions.3. Both ALS-TTL <strong>and</strong> AS-TTL use ion implantation rather than a diffusion process, which allowsthe use of small geometries leading to smaller parasitic capacitances <strong>and</strong> hence reduced switchingtimes.4. Both ALS-TTL <strong>and</strong> AS-TTL use oxide isolation rather than junction isolation between transistors.This leads to reduced epitaxial layer–substrate capacitance, which further reduces the switchingtimes.5. Both ALS-TTL <strong>and</strong> AS-TTL offer improved input threshold voltage <strong>and</strong> reduced low-level inputcurrent.6. Both ALS-TTL <strong>and</strong> AS-TTL feature active turn-off of the LOW-level output transistor, producinga better HIGH-level output voltage <strong>and</strong> thus a higher HIGH-level noise immunity.

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