Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications

Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications

Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications


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710 IndexApplication relevant information-flip flops 407–8Application relevant information-level translatorICs 184Application relevant information-logic gates 107–9Application relevant information-microcontroller580–9216 bit microcontrollers 588–9032 bit microcontrollers 590–28 bit microcontrollers 580–8Application relevant information-PLDs 340–52application relevant information-CPLD 343–9application relevant information-FPGA 349–52application relevant information-SPLD340–3, 344Arbitrary waveform generator 690, 691Arithmetic circuits 236–66adder–subtractor 245–6, 247application relevant information 266arithmetic logic unit 260BCD adder 246–9controlled inverter 236, 244–5full adder 236, 237–40, 241full subtractor 236, 242–4, 245half adder 236–7half subtractor 236, 240–2look ahead carry generator 254–7, 258, 259magnitude comparator 261–4multipliers 260–1Arithmetic instructions 531, 532–3Arithmetic logic unit, see ALUArithmetic operations 47ARM926EJ core 591ASCII code 27, 28–31, 37ASCII-8 see US ASCII-8Assembler 540Assembly language 540Associative laws 194–5Astable multivibrator 357, 362–3, 364–7, 368Astable multivibrator using timer IC 555 364–7, 368Asynchronous communication interface 571–2Asynchronous counter, see Ripple counterAsynchronous input active pulse width 399, 401–2Asynchronous inputs 398Asynchronous SRAM 612, 613–616, 617Asynchronous SRAM timing diagram 614–616, 617Asynchronous timing mode-logic analyser 692Auxiliary storage, see secondary storageB<strong>and</strong>width-analogue oscilloscope 673B<strong>and</strong>width-digital storage oscilloscope 674–5B<strong>and</strong>width-frequency counter 682Basic logic gates 71Basic multilingual plane 38BCD 19–21BCD-to-binary conversion 20binary-to-BCD conversion 20higher density BCD encoding 21packed BCD numbers 21unpacked BCD numbers 21BCD adder 246–9BCD addition in excess-3 code 57BCD counter 426BCD input D/A converter 482–3BCD subtraction in Excess-3 code 57BCD-to-binary conversion 20BCD-to-decimal decoder 431, 432BiCMOS inverter 171BiCMOS logic 115, 116, 170–2BiCMOS inverter 171BiCMOS NAND gate 171–2BiCMOS NAND gate 171–2Bidirectional shift register 455Binary addition 47–51Binary coded decimal, see BCDBinary codes 19–43alphanumeric codes 27–38ASCII code 27, 28–31, 37binary coded decimal 19–21cyclic redundancy check code 41–2EBCDIC code 27–8, 31–7error detection <strong>and</strong> correction codes 40–3excess-3 code 21–22gray code 23–6Hamming code 42–3parity code 41repetition code 41seven-segment display code 38–40Unicode 28, 37–8binary digit, see BitBinary division 60–2repeated right-shift <strong>and</strong> subtract algorithm 61repeated subtract <strong>and</strong> left-shift algorithm 62Binary-Gray code conversion 24Binary ladder network 475–6Binary multiplication 58–60repeated add <strong>and</strong> right-shift algorithm 58, 59–60repeated left-shift <strong>and</strong> add algorithm 58, 59Binary number system 2, 3–5Binary reflected Gray code 23, 25Binary ripple counter 413–420Binary ripple counter with a modulus less than 2 N416–418Binary subtraction 47, 48–9, 52–5Binary-to-BCD conversion 20Binary-to-decimal conversion 6

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