Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications

Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications

Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications


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168 <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong> 74AC/ACT SeriesThe 74AC series is presently the fastest CMOS logic family. This logic family has the bestcombination of high speed, low power consumption <strong>and</strong> high output drive capability. Again, 74ACTis only a process variation of 74AC. In addition, 74ACT series devices have TTL-compatibleinputs.The characteristic parameters of the 74C/74HC/74HCT/74AC/74ACT series CMOS are summarizedas follows (for V DD = 5 V): V IH (min.) = 3.5 V (74C), 3.5 V (74HC <strong>and</strong> 74AC) <strong>and</strong> 2.0 V (74HCT <strong>and</strong>74ACT); V OH (min.) = 4.5 V (74C) <strong>and</strong> 4.9 V (74HC, 74HCT, 74AC <strong>and</strong> 74ACT); V IL (max.) = 1.5 V(74C), 1.0 V (74HC), 0.8 V (74HCT), 1.5 V (74AC) <strong>and</strong> 0.8 V (74ACT); V OL (max.) = 0.5 V (74C) <strong>and</strong>0.1 V (74HC, 74HCT, 74AC <strong>and</strong> 74ACT); I IH (max.) = 1 A; I IL (max.) = 1 A; I OH (max.) = 0.4 mA(74C), 4.0 mA (74HC <strong>and</strong> 74HCT) <strong>and</strong> 24 mA (74AC <strong>and</strong> 74ACT); I OL (max.) = 0.4 mA (74C), 4.0 mA(74HC <strong>and</strong> 74HCT) <strong>and</strong> 24 mA (74AC <strong>and</strong> 74ACT); V NH = 1.4 V (74C, 74HC <strong>and</strong> 74AC) <strong>and</strong> 2.9 V(74HCT <strong>and</strong> 74ACT); V NL = 1.4 V (74C), 0.9 V (74HC), 0.7 V (74HCT <strong>and</strong> 74ACT) <strong>and</strong> 1.4 V (74AC);propagation delay = 50 ns (74C), 8 ns (74HC <strong>and</strong> 74HCT) <strong>and</strong> 4.7 ns (74AC <strong>and</strong> 74ACT); powerdissipation per gate (for f = 100 kHz) = 0.1 mW (74C), 0.17 mW (74HC <strong>and</strong> 74HCT) <strong>and</strong> 0.08 mW(74AC <strong>and</strong> 74ACT); speed–power product (for f = 100 kHz) = 5 pJ (74C), 1.4 pJ (74HC <strong>and</strong> 74HCT)<strong>and</strong> 0.37 pJ (74AC <strong>and</strong> 74ACT); maximum flip-flop toggle rate = 12 MHz (74C), 40 MHz (74HC <strong>and</strong>74HCT) <strong>and</strong> 100 MHz (74AC <strong>and</strong> 74ACT).Example 5.7Draw the internal schematic of: (a) a two-wide, four-input AND-OR-INVERT logic function in CMOS<strong>and</strong> (b) a two-wide, four-input OR-AND-INVERT logic function in CMOS.Solution(a) Let us assume that A, B, C, D, E, F, G <strong>and</strong> H are the logic variables. The output Y of this logicfunction can then be expressed by the equationY = ABCD + EFGH (5.5)Following the principles explained earlier in the text, the internal schematic is shown in Fig. 5.53(a).Series connection of N-channel MOSFETs on the left simulates ANDing of A, B, C <strong>and</strong> D,whereas series connection of N-channel MOSFETs on the right simulates ANDing of E, F, G<strong>and</strong> H. Parallel connection of two branches produces ORing of the ANDed outputs. Since theP-channel MOSFET arrangement is the complement of the N-channel MOSFET arrangement, thefinal output is what is given by Equation (5.5).(b) The output Y of this logic function can be expressed by the equationY = A + B + C + DE + F + G + H (5.6)Figure 5.53(b) shows the internal schematic, which can be explained on similar lines.Example 5.8Determine the logic function performed by the CMOS digital circuit of Fig. 5.54.

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