Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications

Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications

Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications


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Binary Codes 33Table 2.7(continued).Decimal Hex Binary Code Code description̸49 31 0011 000150 32 0011 0010 SYN Synchronous idle51 33 0011 001152 34 0011 0100 PN Punch on53 35 0011 0101 RS Reader stop54 36 0011 0110 UC Upper case55 37 0011 0111 EOT End of transmission56 38 0011 100057 39 0011 100158 3A 0011 101059 3B 0011 1011 CU3 Customer use 360 3C 0011 1100 DC4 Device control 461 3D 0011 1101 NAK Negative acknowledge62 3E 0011 111063 3F 0011 1111 SUB Substitute64 40 0100 0000 SP Space65 41 0100 000166 42 0100 001067 43 0100 001168 44 0100 010069 45 0100 010170 46 0100 011071 47 0100 011172 48 0100 100073 49 0100 100174 4A 0100 1010 c Cent sign75 4B 0100 1011 . Period, decimal point76 4C 0100 1100 < Less-than sign77 4D 0100 1101 ( Left parenthesis78 4E 0100 1110 + Plus sign79 4F 0100 1111 Logical OR80 50 0101 0000 & Ampers<strong>and</strong>81 51 0101 000182 52 0101 001083 53 0101 001184 54 0101 010085 55 0101 010186 56 0101 011087 57 0101 011188 58 0101 100089 59 0101 100190 5A 0101 1010 ! Exclamation point91 5B 0101 1011 $ Dollar sign92 5C 0101 1100 * Asterisk93 5D 0101 1101 ) Right parenthesis94 5E 0101 1110 ; Semicolon95 5F 0101 1111 ∧ Logical NOT96 60 0110 0000 - Hyphen, minus sign(continued overleaf )

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