Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications

Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications

Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications


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Computer Fundamentals 607Secondary or auxiliary memory cannot be accessed by the CPU directly. It is accessed by theCPU through its input/output channels. Secondary memory has a much greater capacity than primarymemory, but it is much slower than the primary memory. It is used to store programs <strong>and</strong> data for futureuse. Most commonly used secondary memory devices include the hard disk, floppy disks, compactdisks (CDs), USB disks <strong>and</strong> so on. The hard disk is used for storing the high-level operating systems,application software <strong>and</strong> the user data files. Floppy disks have a limited capacity of 1.44 MB <strong>and</strong> havebeen replaced by CDs <strong>and</strong> USB drives. Floppy disks, CDs <strong>and</strong> USB drives are also referred to asoff-line storage devices as they can be easily removed from the computer. Different types of memoryare covered in Section Input/Output PortsA port is a physical interface on the computer through which the input <strong>and</strong> output devices areconnected to <strong>and</strong> interact with the computer. Ports are also used as an interface to connect twocomputers to each other. The ports on the computer can be configured as input <strong>and</strong> output portsthrough software. These ports are of two types, namely serial ports <strong>and</strong> parallel ports. Serial portssend <strong>and</strong> receive one bit at a time through a single wire pair. Parallel ports send multiple bitsat the same time over a set of wires. Serial ports are used to connect devices such as modems,digital cameras, etc., to the computer. Parallel ports are used to connect printers, scanners, CDburners, external hard drives, etc., to the computer. Serial <strong>and</strong> parallel ports are discussed in detail inSection A Computer SystemFigure 15.2 shows the block diagram of a typical computer system. The diagram basically showsthe interconnection of the computer with the commonly used input/output devices. Input devicesconvert the raw data to be processed into a computer-underst<strong>and</strong>able format. Some of the commonlyused input devices include the keyboard, mouse, scanner <strong>and</strong> so on. Output devices convert theprocessed data into a format underst<strong>and</strong>able by the user. Commonly used output devices includethe monitor, printer, cameras, <strong>and</strong> so on. Input <strong>and</strong> output devices are discussed at length inSection Types of Computer SystemComputers can be classified into various types, depending upon the technology used or the size <strong>and</strong>capacity or the applications for which they are designed.15.3.1 Classification of Computers on the Basis of <strong>Applications</strong>Based on the application or the purpose, computers are often classified as general-purpose computers<strong>and</strong> special-purpose or dedicated computers. General-purpose computers are comparatively moreflexible <strong>and</strong> thus can be used to work on a large variety of problems including business <strong>and</strong> scientificproblems. For instance, banking applications such as financial accounting, pay-roll processing, etc., atthe head-office level would require the services of a general-purpose computer. The size <strong>and</strong> capacityof a general-purpose computer could of course vary, depending upon the quantum of data <strong>and</strong> the

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