Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications

Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications

Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications


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Index 711Binary-to-hex conversion 10, 11Binary-to-octal conversion 9, 11BIOS 611Bipolar-CMOS Logic, see BiCMOS LogicBipolar families 116Bipolar mode operation-A/D converter 499Bipolar output D/A converter 479, 480Bistable multivibrator 357–8Bit 4Boolean algebra 189–226postulates 192simplification techniques 204–26theorems 192–202Boolean algebra-simplification techniques 204–26Karnaugh map method 204, 216–26Quine–McCluskey tabular method 204, 208–14Boolean expressions 190–1, 204–8canonical form of Boolean expression 206complement of a Boolean expression 190–1dual of a Boolean expression 191equivalent of a Boolean expression 190exp<strong>and</strong>ed forms of Boolean expression 206literals 190Pi ( nomenclature 207–8product-of-sums Boolean expression 204,205–6sigma ( nomenclature 207–8sum-of-products Boolean expression 204–5terms 190variables 190Borrow-in 48–9Borrow-out 48–9Branch instructions, see Control transferinstructionsBuffer register 529–30Buffers 98Burst extended data output (BEDO) DRAM 622Bus 526Byte 4Cache memory 606, 622, 623Call instruction 533, 534CAN bus 569, 573Canonical form of Boolean expressions 206Carry generate 254, 256Carry-in 48, 238–9Carry-out 47–8, 238–9Carry propagate 254, 256Carry propagation 254Carry propagation time 254Cascading counters 433–6cascading BCD counters 435–6cascading binary counters 433–5Cascading decoders 288Cascading magnitude comparator 263–4Cascading multiplexers 280CD-R 649CD-ROM 648, 649CD-RW 649Celeron processor 560Central processing unit, see CPUChannel count-logic analyser 695, 696Character codes, see Alphanumeric codesCharacteristic equations 377Characteristic parameters of logic families, see Logicfamilies-characteristic parametersCharacteristic table 376, 378Check bits 40Checksum method 665Chen-Ho encoding 21Circulating register, see Ring counterCISC 528, 531, 541Classification-digital ICs 183–4large scale integration 183, 184medium scale integration 183, 184small scale integration 183, 184ultra large scale integration 183, 184very large scale integration 183, 184Classification of computers 607–10on the basis of applications 607–8on the basis of size <strong>and</strong> capacity 609–10on the basis of technology used 608CLEAR input 398Clock generator 560, 563Clock pulse HIGH Time-flip flop 399, 401Clock pulse LOW Time-flip flop 399, 401Clock skew 659Clock transition time-flip flop 399, 402Clocked flip flop 377Clocked R-S flip flop 377–81Clocked R-S flip flop with active HIGH inputs 379Clocked R-S flip flop with active LOW inputs 379,380–1CML, see ECLCMOS AND gate 154, 155CMOS AND-OR-INVERT gate 157–9CMOS bilateral switch, see CMOS TransmissiongateCMOS exclusive-NOR gate 156, 158CMOS exclusive-OR gate 154, 156, 157CMOS-floating inputs 162–3CMOS-guidelines 179CMOS-input protection 163, 164CMOS inverter 151–2CMOS-latch up condition 163–5

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