Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications

Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications

Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications


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Data Conversion Circuits – D/A <strong>and</strong> A/D Converters 509conversion speed at the cost of added complexity. Increase in conversion speed is accomplishedby carrying out integration from reference voltage at two distinct rates, a high-speed rate <strong>and</strong> alow-speed rate. The counter is also divided into two sections, one for MSB bits <strong>and</strong> the other forLSB bits. A properly designed triple-slope converter achieves increased conversion speed withoutcompromising the inherent linearity, differential linearity <strong>and</strong> stability characteristics of the dual-slopeconverter.Bias currents, offset voltages <strong>and</strong> gain errors associated with operational amplifiers used as integrators<strong>and</strong> comparators do introduce some errors. These can be cancelled by using additional charge/dischargecycles <strong>and</strong> then using the results to correct the initial measurement. One such A/D converter is thequad-slope converter which uses two charge/discharge cycles as compared with one charge/dischargecycle in the case of the dual-slope converter. Quad-slope A/D converters have a much higher accuracythan their dual-slope counterparts.12.11.7 Sigma-Delta A/D ConverterThe sigma-delta A/D converter employs a different concept from what has been discussed so far for thecase of various types of A/D converter. While the A/D converters covered so far rely on sampling ofthe analogue signal at the Nyquist frequency <strong>and</strong> encode the absolute value of the sample, in the case ofa sigma-delta converter, as explained in the following paragraphs, the analogue signal is oversampledby a large factor (i.e. the sampling frequency is much larger than the Nyquist value), <strong>and</strong> also it isnot the absolute value of the sample but the difference between the analogue values of two successivesamples that is encoded by the converter.In the case of the A/D converters discussed prior to this <strong>and</strong> sampled at the Nyquist rate f s , theRMS value of the quantization noise is uniformly distributed over the Nyquist b<strong>and</strong> of DC to f s /2, asshown in Fig. 12.38(a). The signal-to-noise ratio for a full-scale sine wave input in this case is given byS/N = (6.02n + 1.76) dB, n being the number of bits. The only way to increase the signal-to-noise ratiois by increasing the number of bits. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, a sigma-delta converter attempts to enhance thesignal-to-noise ratio by oversampling the analogue signal, which has the effect of spreading the noisespectrum over a much larger b<strong>and</strong>width <strong>and</strong> then filtering out the desired b<strong>and</strong>. If the analogue signalwere sampled at a rate of Kf s , the quantization noise would be spread over DC to Kf s /2, as shown inFig. 12.38(b). K is a constant referred to as the oversampling ratio. The enhanced S/N ratio meanshigher resolution, which is achieved by other types of A/D converter by way of increasing the numberof bits.It may be mentioned here that, if we simply use oversampling to improve the resolution, it would berequired to oversample by a factor of 2 2N to achieve an N -bit increase in resolution. The sigma-deltaconverter does not require to be oversampled by such a large factor because it not only limits thesignal pass b<strong>and</strong> but also shapes the quantization noise in such a way that most of it falls outside thispass b<strong>and</strong>, as shown in Fig. 12.38(c). The following paragraphs explain the operational principle ofthe sigma-delta A/D converter.The heart of the sigma-delta converter is the delta modulator. Figure 12.39 shows a block schematicrepresentation of a delta modulator, which is basically a one-bit quantizer of the flash type (singlecomparator). The output of the delta modulator is a bit stream of 1s <strong>and</strong> 0s, with the number of 1srelative to the number of 0s over a given number of clock cycles indicating the amplitude of theanalogue signal over that time interval. An all 1s sequence over a given interval corresponds to themaximum positive amplitude, <strong>and</strong> an all 0s sequence indicates the maximum negative amplitude. Anequal number of 1s <strong>and</strong> 0s indicates a zero amplitude. Other values between the positive <strong>and</strong> negativemaxima are indicated by a proportional number of 1s relative to the number of 0s. This is furtherillustrated in Fig. 12.40.

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