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scenametri de Bucureøti. Reprezentarea monumentului ca loc al turismului de masæ este,de asemenea, prezentæ la artistul Hong Ha, cu Beijing Tour Guide, în care artistul/performermimeazæ un tur oferit clienflilor sæi în toate locurile importante ale OraøuluiInterzis, deja saturat de turiøti øi care încearcæ sæ-øi conserve patrimoniul în paralelcu rentabilizarea lui la maximum.Pasionat de oraø, de dezvoltarea øi metamorfozele sale, Amiel Grumberg îl invitaseøi pe artistul cubanez Carlos Garaicoa, care realizeazæ un proiect inedit pentrucatalog. În ceea ce-l priveøte, Alberto Barraya reviziteazæ øi el oraøul, Amsterdamde data aceasta, cu o nouæ hartæ în care mixeazæ diverse locuri provenind din oraøediferite. Mai multe situri turistice recunoscute pe plan internaflional se regæsesc dintr-odatæîntr-o proximitate geograficæ neobiønuitæ.Ocupînd un spafliu mare în expoziflie, Meschac Gaba prezintæ o serie de sculpturi/peruci, jucîndu-se cu reprezentarea arhitecturii moderne recreatæ din pær artificial,care a fost împletit øi flesut sub formæ de clædiri øi de zgîrie-nori, cum ar fi MuzeulGuggenheim, The Flat Iron Building, Chrysler Building sau hotelul Teresa din Harlem.Fondator al propriului Muzeu de Artæ Contemporanæ Africanæ, Meschac Gabanu ezitæ sæ mixeze, cu umor øi talent, cultura americanæ cu cea africanæ, zgîrie-noricu totem, metisaj cu imperialism.Într-un interviu cu Robert Maggiori pentru Libération din 15 mai 2004, „Reporteriicælætoresc întotdeauna spre iad øi turiøtii spre paradis“, Godard indicæ øi impactulterorismului asupra turismului ca o practicæ a terorii de datæ destul de recentæ. Opreocupare pe care o regæsim la Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil, artist agitator „în afaralegii“, cu inscripflia de foc a siglei companiei aeriene KLM. Mai puflin dramatic, DavideBalula instaleazæ în expoziflie o sculpturæ sonoræ imitînd în mod straniu forma uneivalize-capcanæ. Concrete step, memory recorder este un obiect hibrid, între o valizæde cælætorie øi o cutie neagræ, utilizatæ în aviaflie øi numitæ, de asemenea, Flightdata Recorder; ea permite înregistrarea sunetelor pe durata unei curse øi redarealor în spafliul expozifliei, ca øi cum ar fi memoria sonoræ a unui itinerar. Artist, muzicianøi compozitor, lui Davide Balula îi place sæ funcflioneze prin colaj, întîlniri improbabileøi îmbinæri eteroclite pentru a compune sunete sau opere ce reflectæuniversul sæu foarte personal. În fine, mai „poetice“ øi flirtînd cu o anume idee dekitsch, fotografiile lui Manit Sriwanichpoom, îmbræcat din cap pînæ în picioare în rozøi împingînd un cærucior de supermarket de aceeaøi culoare, evocæ o anume nofliunede romantism, de imensitate a peisajului øi de micime a omului faflæ cu forflelenaturii. Acest artist/activist thailandez, numit The Pink Man, încearcæ, de fapt, sæ ducæo luptæ personalæ cu degradarea fulminantæ a peisajului din Thailanda, victimæ a turismuluiøi altor întreprinderi de timp liber.Între paradis pierdut, junglæ minimalæ, derivate urbane øi exotism de doi bani, neputem întreba dacæ Global Tour nu schifleazæ cumva portretul turistului secolului XXI.Traducere de Izabella Badiuthe geraldology or geraldography. For Global Tour Gérald aliasDJ Ramon, explorer, jewels designer sets himself all day long inthe Amsterdam exhibition and welcomes the public unfolding hisnumerous files and folders retracing the itineraries of his journeysand encounters.Invited to intervene in the public space, Mircea Cantor makes aposter campaign in Amsterdam promoting a new “dreamed destination”for holiday reminding all the clichés and parodying theusual tourism campaigns... Corbeøti is in fact the name of a littlevillage isolated in the Romanian mountains very far from any paradise-likeexoticism. With the video Tribute, the artist plays with thecodes of monument and its representation in the collective memory.He shots with concentration and majesty, on a Philip Glass soundtrack,a reproduction of the Eiffel Tour, lost in a waste field a fewkilometers away from Bucharest. The representation of the monumentas a landmark for mass tourism is also present in Hong Ha’swork Beijing Tour Guide, wherein the artist/performer mimes totake his clients in all the hot spots of the Forbidden City – alreadysaturated with tourists and attempting to preserve its heritage but,in the same time, making maximum profit.Passionate about the city, its development and metamorphoses,Amiel Grumberg had also invited the Cuban artist Carlos Garaicoawho makes an original project for the catalog. As for AlbertoBarraya, he also revisits the city, Amsterdam now, with a new mapwherein he mixes various places from various cities. Several touristsites known worldwide are all of a sudden in an unusual geographicproximity.Occupying a large space in the exhibition, Meschac Gaba presentsa series of sculptures/wigs playing on the representation of modernarchitecture recreated in artificial hair that has been plaited andwoven in the shape of buildings and skyscrapers such as GuggenheimMuseum, The Flat Iron Building, Chrysler Building or HotelTeresa in Harlem. Founder of his very own Contemporary AfricanArt Museum, Meschac Gaba doesn’t hesitate to mix with humor andtalent american and african culture, skyscraper and totem, interbreedingand imperialism.According to Godard, in an interview with Robert Maggiori forLibération the 15 May 2004 issue, “Reporters Always Travel to theHells and Tourists to the Paradise”; the filmmaker also refers to theimpact of terrorism on tourism as a fairly recent practice of terror.It is a preoccupation to be found in Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil’swork – an agitator and outlaw artist – with the inscription in fire ofthe KLM airline logo. Less dramatic, Davide Balula installs a soundsculpture in the exhibition imitating strangely the shape of a luggagebomb. Concrete step, memory recorder is a hybrid objectbetween a suitcase and a black box used in aviation and also calleda Flight data Recorder, it makes possible to record the sound duringa flight and to play it inside the exhibition as the sound memoryof a trip. Artist, musician and composer, Davide Balula likes to workthrough collage, improbable encounters and heteroclite combinationsin order to compose sounds or works reflecting his verypersonal universe. Finally, more “poetic” and flirting with a certain<strong>idea</strong> of kitsch, Manit Sriwanichpoom’s photos, all dressed up in pinkand pushing a caddie of the same color, do evoke a certain notionof romanticism, vast landscapes and smallness of man in front ofnature’s forces! This Thai artist/activist, called The Pink Man, triesto lead a personal combat against the devastating degradation oflandscape in Thailand, victim of the tourism and other recreationalenterprises.Between paradise lost, minimal jungle, urban drifts and cheap exoticism,one can wonder whether Global Tour draws the profile of the21st century tourist.Translated by Izabella Badiu105

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