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scenacal. Fiecare muzician apare pe un ecran separat, astfel cæ, deøi sînt arætafli, într-oinstalaflie video, fiecare în parte, producflia ca întreg dobîndeøte o nouæ situaflie datoritæcolajului. Prezenfla øi semnificaflia individului apar cu totul diferite atunci cînd el locuieøtespafliul social pe care øi-l imagineazæ (cazul fiind cel al muzicienilor de stradæ)sau cînd altcineva îi prescrie un rol într-un colectiv. Erik van Lieshout a tratat,de asemenea, relaflii colective øi fenomene sociale. În 2005, el a stræbætut Germaniape bicicletæ, întrebîndu-i pe oameni despre lucrurile care le determinæ viafla.Ræspunsurile erau diferite øi contrare, formulate dintr-un punct de vedere strict personal.Totuøi, aceelaøi caracter contrar øi capricios pare sæ caracterizeze øi stilul luiLieshout, al cærui interes øi proces artistic dinamic par sæ reprezinte nimic mai multdecît o investigaflie pur superficialæ: o dezvoltare neaøteptatæ este suficientæ pentruca lucrurile sæ ia o întorsæturæ total diferitæ, surprinzætoare. În ciuda aerului sæu superficialøi fortuit, lucrarea descrie problemele personale øi sociale, caracteristice viefliinoastre cotidiene, într-o manieræ extrem de precisæ. Instalaflia video Beat [Drunk](1999) a lui Gillian Wearing expune alcoolici împleticindu-se într-un spafliu alb, neutru.Într-o anumitæ mæsuræ, existæ niøte legæturi între aceste personaje, lucru vizibilîn gesturile øi ciondæneala lor. Totuøi, aceastæ companie grosolanæ este înfricoøætorde singuræ. Dacæ extrapolæm aceastæ situaflie la scara întregii omeniri, atunci vomobfline o imagine a unei societæfli care nu manifestæ niciun semn al vreunei nevoide luciditate. Øi lucrarea video Deeparture (2005) a lui Mircea Cantor foloseøte unspafliu gol, neutru. De fapt, douæ animale reale sînt prezentate într-o galerie cu desævîrøiregoalæ. Poate øi datoritæ spafliului total stræin, ambientului artificial creat deom, lupul øi cæprioara se simt vizibil stingherite. Simpla ciondænealæ pe care o øtimdin filmul lui Wearing se transformæ aici într-un alt tip de întîlnire: ambele sînt vigilente.În timp ce în lucrarea lui Wearing oamenii decad øi se destind sub influenflaalcoolului, lupul øi cæprioara par, în filmul lui Cantor, sæ-øi reflinæ instinctele, acflionînd,astfel, diferit faflæ de aøteptærile noastre: cele douæ animale par a fi mai curînd apropiateunul de celælalt decît inamici. Lucrarea video time after time (2003) a lui AnriSala aratæ un cal stînd aproape nemiøcat la marginea unei autostræzi. Pe mæsuræ cemaøinile ruleazæ, nemiøcarea calului este întreruptæ doar de ridicarea sporadicæ aunui picior. Într-un stil foarte diferit de cel prezentat de Cantor, animalul continuæsæ aparæ ca stræin într-un mediu controlat de oameni.Lucrærile lui Cantor øi Sala sînt exemple bune pentru observarea animalelor în mediuluman, færæ însæ a ne aventura în a face comparaflii øi paralelisme între comportamentelelor øi cele ale oamenilor. Ideea bienalei conform cæreia omul e prins întrestarea de „uman“ øi cea de „animal“ e suspectæ, pentru cæ bestialitatea øi iraflionalitateaderivate de la animale, pe care curatorii le consideræ a fi într-o atît de maremæsuræ caracteristice omului, sînt, de fapt, simple atribute umane. În acelaøi fel, argumentulpropus de curatori, potrivit cæruia „aproape tofli artiøtii care expun, sau celpuflin lucrærile lor, par învæluifli într-o beznæ totalæ, care poate fi cititæ ca o persistenflæa iraflionalului øi a obscurului în fafla raflionalitæflii“, nu se aplicæ, la un nivel mai general,vieflii noastre de zi cu zi, cu toate cæ psihoza øi iraflionalitatea religioasæ øi magicæpe care le creeazæ mintea umanæ ne vor influenfla în continuare viafla cotidianæ.Traducere de Andrei State øi Veronica Lazærvalue owing to a certain cacophony and to personal differences.The individual has an entirely different presence and meaning whenhe inhabits the social space he imagines he does (the case being thatof street musicians) or when he fulfils a part in a collective created byanother person (the artist for this time – but here one can think ofother people governing manipulative structures as well). Erik vanLieshout has also dealt with collective relations and social phenomena.He toured Germany in 2005 by bike, asking people to answeressential questions on things which determine their life. Answerswere inconsistent and speaking for themselves. Nevertheless thesame inconsistency and capriciousness seems to characterize Erikvan Lieshout’s style as well, whose dynamic work process and interestseem to falter at times and amount to nothing more than superficialinquiry. An unexpected development is enough for things totake a totally different, surprising turn. Despite its air of superficialityand fortuitousness, the work describes the personal and social troublescharacteristic of our everyday life in quite a precise manner.Gillian Wearing’s video installation Drunk (1999) displays alcoholicsstumbling in a white, neutral space. These characters are connectedto a certain degree, this is apparent in their gestures and squabble,nevertheless this is the most they can offer. The raunchy company isnevertheless frightfully lonely. If we extrapolate the situation to thelevel of mankind, then we obtain an image of a society which displaysno signs of a need for soberness whatsoever. Mircea Cantor’svideo, Deeparture (2005) relies upon empty, neutral space as well.Actually two real animals are presented in a totally empty gallery.The wolf and the deer feel noticeably awkward. The light squabblefamiliar from the film by Wearing turns here into a different kindof meeting: the two are both on the look-out. The animals act totallydifferent from what we might expect. While in Wearing’s work peopledegrade and relax under the influence of alcohol, the wolf andthe deer seem to keep back their instincts in Cantor’s film. Owing tothe presence of people and cameras, or because of the totally alien,artificial space, the two animals seem to be rather close to eachother then enemies. Anri Sala’s video time after time (2003) showsan almost motionless horse standing by a highway. As cars roll by,the motionlessness of the horse is only broken by its occasional liftingof a leg. In a very different fashion from that presented by Cantor,the animal still appears as alien in an environment controlledby people.Cantor’s and Sala’s works are good examples for the observation ofanimals in human environment without effecting a comparison andwithout trying to establish parallels between their behaviour. Thereis a hidden limp in the thought of man being captured between thestates of “human” and “animal” because the bestiality and irrationalityderived from animals which curators consider to be so much characteristicof man are actually purely human attributes. The sameway, the statement made by curators, according to which “Almost allthe artists in the show, or at least their works, seem enveloped in aradical darkness, which could be read as a persistence of the irrationaland the obscure in the face of rationality and fundamentalism“does not apply to our everydays on a general level. The psychosis,the religious and magical irrationality the human mind creates willat the most count for a noticeable, but far from dominant partof everyday life.Translated by Noémi László97

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