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+ (copii abandonafli. pærinfli în abandon)schiflate, doar ca germen, doar ca – tocmai – sæmînflæ, un rasism øi uneugenism comuniste: Omul Nou nu desemna, proiectiv, un individ-persoanæ,ci un superindividual colectiv, o populaflie-organism: crearea ideologic-industrialæa unui Popor Nou pe baza resurselor strict naturale, demografizate,naturalizate „hidrocarburic“ ale istoriei românilor. Defectul biopoliticii comunistel-a reprezentat însæ tocmai separarea „naturii“ de „culturæ“, a agriculturiiumane de industria socialæ: hiperruralizare (= naturalizare) prinindustrializare urbanæ.Falsul liberalismBiopoliticii comuniste deficitare, vetuste, prin care revoluflionarea politicoindustrialæa umanului nu urmærea decît consolidarea unei structuri arhaicede tip teritorial feudal øi chiar tribal-clanic (marcæ a retromodernitæflii de lungædatæ a societæflii româneøti), i-a urmat, acum, absenfla oricærei biopolitici, încondifliile unei aøa-zise liberalizæri a societæflii. Or, cel puflin de la Michel Foucault(cel din cursul despre Naøterea biopoliticii) încoace, ar trebui sæ øtimcæ liberalismul presupune tocmai elaborarea unei biopolitici eficiente øidetaliate, prin care viul uman, pentru a putea sæ fie exploatat din punct devedere economic, adicæ fæcut sæ producæ cît mai mult øi cît mai bine, maieconomic, realizînd o adeværatæ economie politicæ (în sensul de teorie economicævizînd economisirea puterii), trebuie sæ fie cultivat, întreflinut, asigurat:medicalizarea societæflii.Avem noi astæzi, în România, aøa ceva? Nu. Nici pomenealæ. Politicul prelevæøi consumæ orbeøte resursele naturale ale unei societæfli neîntreflinuteøi necultivate, operînd minimal, dar nu în sens liberal: nu se implicæ, nu-i pasæ.Nu existæ, în România, nici urmæ de politicæ liberalæ a vieflii, deci nici urmæde biopoliticæ øi de ratio guvernamentalæ. Politicul acflioneazæ aici minimal însensul de orb øi de întîmplætor, de strict reactiv, circumstanflial. Øi nu constituireavreunui Pilot (pe urmele Marelui Cîrmaci-Cîrpaci), pe care tot maimulfli intelectuali demisionarzi o reclamæ, ar putea fi, în momentul de faflæ,soluflia, øi aceasta pentru simplul motiv cæ respectivul cælæuzitor n-ar aveacîrmæ. Între Conducætor øi corabia societæflii releul politicului nu doar lipseøte,ci face obstacol øi, literal mediatic, ecran: de aici, lipsa de guvernare.Departe de a fi anarhic neguvernabilæ, populaflia româneascæ aøteaptæ încæsæ fie constituitæ, fie øi dezastruos, disciplinar biopolitic, rætæcind pe loc, nomadismsedentar, sub spectrul unor sælbæticiri care însæ ameninflæ dinæuntru,nu din afaræ. „Biologizarea“ societæflii româneøti nu este una programatæpolitic: Pæstorul este el însuøi o oaie, cînd fiap, cînd Berbec. Anumifli gînditorioccidentali pot, sînt perfect îndreptæflifli, aøadar, sæ denunfle excesiva øiîndelungata rafinare a dresajului biopolitic. Românii se aflæ, în schimb, mai curîndîn situaflia blocantæ, aporeticæ, de a deplînge inexistenfla politicului ca atare,pur øi simplu, chiar øi în nefastele lui variante pastoral sau liberal biopolitice.Ne aflæm într-o situaflie de libertate neprodusæ, nefabricatæ øi necultivatæ,neîntreflinutæ: în afara fiinflei, færæ ontologie istoricæ.Abandon, atunci? Ce fel de abandon? Pre-, ante-abandon: tæcere negramaticalizatæ,færæ limbaj, societate færæ viaflæ øi færæ politicæ (a vieflii), naturæfæræ culturæ. Produse paradiziace ale unei flarini nedesflelenite. Pîrloagæistoricæ.Sæ ne bucuræm deci de absenfla ræului politic, a ingineriei sociale! Cæci, lafel ca aproape întotdeauna în istoria ei, în România dimensiunea politiculuinu se manifestæ, nu se exercitæ, nu se actualizeazæ, devenind abuzivæ,decît pe laturæ externæ. În România nu existæ øi n-a existat politicæ internæ.of the communist regime in Romania, it turned organic and set the goal tobecome productive. The hyper-de-modernizing post-over-industrializationof the country underlined precisely the industrial nature of Ceauøescu’s biopolitics.There has been, even if only sketched or germinating, as seed,communist racism and eugenics: the New Man didn’t refer to a person-individualbut to a collective super-individual, an organism-population: the ideological-industrialcreation of a New People on the basis of the Romanians’history strictly natural resources, submitted to demography, naturalized“hydrocarbon-wise”. The flaw of communist bio-politics was exactly the separationbetween “nature” and “culture”, between human agriculture andsocial industry: hyper-ruralization (= naturalization) through urban industrialization.False LiberalismObsolete communist bio-politics that, through the political-industrial revolutionof the human, pursued only the consolidation of an archaic feudal-likestructure or even a claunish one (emblem of the long-lived retro-modernityin the Romanian society), was followed nowadays by the absence of any Biopolitics,in the circumstances of the so-called liberalization of the society.Or, at least since Michel Foucault (the one in the lecture on the Birth of biopolitics),we should be aware that liberalism presupposes precisely the elaborationof efficient and detailed bio-politics, through which the human living,in order to be economically exploited – that is made to produce more andbetter, economic, making possible true political economy (in the meaning ofeconomical theory aiming at an economy of power) –, needs to be cultivated,provided for, insured: medicalization of he society.Do we have something like that in today Romania? No. Not by far. The politicalcollects and consumes blindly the natural resources of an uncultivateduncared for society, operating minimally, but not in the liberal way: it doesn’tcare, it doesn’t get involved. In Romania, there is no trace of liberal politicsof life, hence no trace of bio-politics and government ratio. The politicalacts here minimally in the senses of blindly and accidentally, strictly reactively,circumstantially. And the solution now is in no way the establishment ofsome Pilot (in the footsteps of the Great Leader-Shoemender), that moreand more desisting intellectuals ask for, because the leader wouldn’t havethe lead. Between the Leader and the ship of society the political relay notonly is lacking but is an obstacle and, literally in the media sense, is a screen:consequently, lack of governance. Far from being anarchically ungovernable,the Romanian population is still waiting to be constituted, even disastrously,disciplinary biopolitically, errant on the same spot, sedentary nomad,under the spell of wilderness, menacing it from the inside not from the outside.The “biologization” of the Romanian society is not politically programmed:the Shepherd is a sheep himself, at times a Goat, at times a Ram.Certain western thinkers can, have the right to denounce the excessive andlong refinement of the bio-politic taming. The Romanians however, are inthe blocking, aporetic position to lament the inexistence of political as sucheven in its unfortunate pastoral or liberal bio-political variants. We are ina situation of un-produced, un-manfactured, uncultivated and uncared forfreedom: outside the being, without historical ontology.Abandon, then? What kind of abandon? Pre-, ante-abandon: ungrammaticalsilence, no language, lifeless society without politics (of life), nature withoutculture. Paradisiacal products of wildlands. Historical fallow.Let us enjoy then the absence of political evil, of social engineering! For, likealmost always in history, in Romania the political dimension is manifest, is143

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