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înfleles, nouæ, celor care lucræm la acest proiect – avem nevoie de o festivitate –,øi, desigur, unei audienfle internaflionale care ar putea fi prezente øi care ar dori sæøtie despre ce e vorba. Aøa cæ, deøi nu am anunflat încæ detaliile legate de el, va existaun program creat special pentru aceste trei zile. Personal, mi-e indiferent cæ lumeaare o atenflie foarte limitatæ, pentru cæ, în esenflæ, acest proiect nu are nevoie deaøa ceva – repet, nu e vorba de prezentare øi de expunere, ci e vorba de experienflæ.Este extrem de problematic sæ încerci sæ-l remodelezi într-o formæ care sæ sereadapteze la acest tip de reacflie rapidæ øi imediatæ. Important e cæ el este permanentactiv øi cæ cei care locuiesc în acest oraø sau oricine e prezent pot lua parte lael, într-un fel.¬ Cui i se adreseazæ, prin urmare? Ce fel de studenfli aøteptafli?√ Practic, cæutæm oameni creativi, critici, cu multe inifliative øi care vor sæ facæ totfelul de lucruri, iar aceastæ øcoalæ e o øansæ excelentæ de a-i face sæ reflecteze la anumitelucruri, sæ se implice øi aøa mai departe.¬ Cu siguranflæ. Va fi încurajatæ producflia de-a lungul semestrului? Dispunefli de oinfrastructuræ care s-o sprijine sau aøteptafli ca participanflii s-o sprijine ei înøiøi?√ Încercæm sæ obflinem cît mai mult posibil, sperînd cæ studenflii vor avea spafliide lucru, vom încerca sæ creæm niøte legæturi cu workshopurile locale, sæ avem propriilefacilitæfli øi acces la in<strong>format</strong>icæ, un minimum de aparaturæ audio-video, dar participanfliipot face øi ei tot felul de lucruri.¬ Ce se va întîmpla cu lucrærile produse aici? Vor fi cumva prezentæri permanenteale rezultatelor diferitelor workshopuri sau nu intenflionafli sæ facefli asta?√ Workshopurile nu sînt gîndite în aøa fel încît accentul sæ cadæ pe rezultate, darsper ca acest lucru sæ se întîmple natural, færæ sæ fie planificat. E vorba din nou deinifliativele participanflilor. Speræm ca acei ce sînt implicafli sæ vinæ mereu sæ întrebedacæ e posibil cutare øi cutare lucru sau sæ le facæ ei înøiøi, færæ sæ mai întrebe mæcardacæ sînt fezabile. Atunci cînd se va putea, vom crea condiflii øi vom sprijini cît maimult posibil aceste inifliative.¬ Acest lucru ne trimite înapoi la chestiunea locului: Nicosia, øi la toate problemelecare flin de Nicosia. Cum vefli evita ca acel gen de rezistenflæ simbolicæ la care væ referifliîn text sæ aparæ la bienalæ? Pentru cæ oamenii vor fi încurajafli, într-un fel sau altul –poate nu în departamentul tæu, ci în cel de-al treilea –, sæ se confrunte cu problemalocalæ.√ Dar cred cæ acesta e un lucru bun. Cînd spunem cæ oamenii sînt încurajafli –majoritatea acestor oameni sînt localnici. Ceea ce încercæm e sæ facem aceastæ bienalæfoarte cu picioarele pe pæmînt, conectatæ la aceastæ situaflie concretæ. De exemplu,în loc sæ ne creæm propriul workshop, de ce sæ nu folosim unul deja existent,dacæ e posibil øi dacæ ei doresc sæ lucreze cu noi? Plænuim sæ infiltræm oraøul în aceastæmanieræ reciprocæ de lucru, în loc sæ orchestræm situaflia.¬ Cum vefli evita sæ fifli instrumentalizafli de cætre forflele politice locale?√ Trebuie sæ fim transparenfli în felul în care punem problemele. De exemplu,existæ o situaflie bicomunitaræ pe care încercæm sæ o abordæm. Dacæ sîntem lipsiflide echivoc øi foarte deschiøi în privinfla dinamicii funcflionærii acestui proiect, atuncivom crea realmente un dialog øi, prin urmare, fiecare participant va putea sæ comentezeøi sæ-øi aducæ în discuflie propria poziflie.¬ Asta e foarte important, øi asta era miza întrebærii mele, pentru cæ v-afli asumat,oarecum, un parti-pris, menflionîndu-l pe Noam Chomsky ca pe unul din gînditorii pecare-i considerafli a fi un exemplu øi care e cunoscut ca situîndu-se cu totul de parteagrecilor øi împotriva turcilor, în aceastæ situaflie concretæ. Vor fi prezente øi persoaneaflate de partea turcæ?√ Pæi, tocmai asta e ideea, ca acest proiect sæ fie bicomunitar, sæ includæ cipriofligreci øi turci. Øi nu cred cæ rolul nostru e sæ avem o opinie precisæ despre situaflia√ There is a kind of opening. We do plan this event that we arecalling orientation days, which is three days of activities and intensiveprograms in the beginning, which is of course is in part for thestudents to inform them what is going on and get them to be involvedin what will happen, but it is also for the city, because we think itis very important to create a kind of energy, a feeling that somethingis starting. And of course for us, for the people who work in this project– we need a kind of celebration, and of course for an internationalaudience that might come and that wants to know about what isgoing on. So, although we have not announced the details of it yetthere will be a program that is specifically formulated for those threedays. I am personally not interested in the fact that the world hasa short attention span, because, in essence this project is not aboutthat – again, it is not about presentation and display, but it is aboutexperience. It is very problematic to try to reshape it in a way toadapt to this fast, immediate kind of reaction. It is important thatit is continuously active and that the people in that city or whoevercomes can take part in something.¬ Who is it for, then? What kind of students do you expect?√ We are basically looking for people who are creative, critical andhave a lot of initiatives and want to do things, and this school is agreat opportunity for them to be able to reflect on things, do thingsand so on.¬ That is for sure. Will production be encouraged during thesemester? Do you have some infrastructure to support it or do youexpect the participants to support it on their own?√ We are tying to have as much as we possibly can, so hopefullythe students will have work-spaces, we’ll try to make some connectionwith local workshops; to have our own computing facilities,audio-visual things, a kind of minimum, but people can do things.¬ What will happen with the works produced there? Will there becontinual presentations of different workshops’ results or is this notthe way?√ The workshops are not really intended to be result-oriented butI hope it happens organically, not that it is planned. This is againabout people taking initiatives. We hope that the people involvedwill be constantly coming and asking if this or that is possible, orgoing off and doing it themselves, not even asking if it is feasible.We create conditions when it is possible and support it as muchas we can.¬ This leads back to the question of the site: Nicosia, and all theproblems surrounding Nicosia. How will you avoid that kind of tokenismthat you are referring to in the text, taking place in the biennial?Because people will be encouraged somehow – maybe not in yourdepartment, but in the third one – to deal with the local situation.√ But I think that is a positive thing. When we say that people areencouraged – the majority of those people are locals. What we aretrying to do is to make this biennial very down to earth, very connectedto this situation. For example, instead of creating your ownworkshop why not to use an existing one, if it is possible and theywant to work with us? We plan to infiltrate the city in this reciprocalworking way, rather than orchestrating the situation.¬ How will you avoid being instrumentalised by local politicalforces?√ We need to be transparent about the issues. For example, thereis this situation of bi-communality that we try to address. If we areclear about the dynamics of how this is functioning in a very overtway, then we are actually creating a dialog, and therefore everyparty is able to comment and discuss its own position.¬ That is important and that was the edge of my question, becauseyou’ve kind of taken side by mentioning Noam Chomsky as one of thethinkers that you consider to be an example, who is well known to beabsolutely pro-Greek in this concrete situation, against the Turks.So, will there be people from the Turkish side, too?√ Well, this is the <strong>idea</strong>, that this project is bi-communal, it includesGreek and Turkish Cypriots as well. And I do not think it is our role88

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