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O discuflie cu Ion GrigorescuHans Ulrich Obrist, Suzanne Pagé, Mircea CantorION GRIGORESCU s-a næscut în 1945, la Bucureøti. Este unul dintre artiøtii cei mai reprezentativi ai arteiconceptuale din România, utilizînd ca medii de expresie pictura, fotografia, performance-ul, filmul øi instalaflia.M.C.: Sînt foarte fericit sæ vi-l pot prezenta pe Ion Grigorescu, un artist extrem deimportant pentru scena româneascæ; øi cred cæ trebuie pusæ în luminæ bogæflia acesteia…H.U.O.: Sînt, la rîndul meu, încîntat de aceastæ întîlnire, deoarece Mircea îmivorbeøte despre dumneavoastræ de cînd ne cunoaøtem, adicæ de patru sau cinciani… Øi chiar mi-a spus cæ afli fost o persoanæ foarte importantæ de-a lungul anilorsæi de studiu øi cæ, în general, afli influenflat imens generaflia de studenfli cæreia i-aaparflinut… Deci, Mircea, pofli sæ îmi spui de ce?M.C.: Noi am descoperit aceastæ operæ prin expoziflia Experiment, al cærei catalogvi l-am arætat. A fost realmente o deschidere pentru toatæ lumea. Fiindcæ înaintenu exista acces la calitate pentru imaginile de artæ, cataloagele erau cel mai adeseaîn alb øi negru, imprimate pe o hîrtie foarte mediocræ øi, prin urmare, a fost foarteimportant pentru noi sæ putem vedea cu ochii noøtri toate aceste opere. Eu eramîn anul întîi…S.P.: Aøadar, existæ øi importanfla acestui context precis. În mæsura în care opera însæøimiza pe situaflia în care intervenea…M.C.: Da, întocmai. A fost într-adevær foarte important. În 1997 au fost scoase laivealæ toate aceste lucræri ascunse, pe care noi le cunoøteam doar indirect, cînd apæreaupe ici, pe colo, prin vreun catalog. Iar aceastæ expoziflie a fost ca øi cum se deschiseseræarhivele pînæ atunci mute, cuprinzînd ceea ce a putut sæ fie artæ experimentalæ,performance, fotografii. Pe scurt, tot ceea ce a putut însemna arta sub socialism.Ni s-a mai oferit øi posibilitatea de a putea întîlni artiøtii øi chiar de a le vorbi.H.U.O.: Iar dumneavoastræ, Ion Grigorescu, ce legæturi aveafli cu tînæra generaflie?Afli predat?I.G.: Nu. Cu excepflia perioadei în care am fost profesor de desen la øcoalæ…S.P.: Nu, într-adevær, nu pare sæ fie stilul dumneavoastræ… E o atitudine frumoasæ,dar în acelaøi timp rezervatæ…I.G.: Dar consider cæ transmiterea s-a fæcut în acest fel, expunînd la Bucureøti pentrutinerii care fac studii de artæ øi care frecventeazæ galeriile. Apoi, la începutul anilor’80 am organizat expoziflii cu mulfli tineri, precum Teodor Graur, iar aceastægeneraflie, numitæ optzecistæ, a fost cea care a asigurat filiaflia… Însæ vreau sæ væ prezintlucrurile cu ajutorul cataloagelor…M.C.: … Aceasta este prima sa expoziflie personalæ de dupæ revoluflie, în 1991.Aceasta e o altæ expoziflie foarte importantæ, la care a invitat øi alfli artiøti. Era primaexpoziflie foto øi a pus în valoare, într-o manieræ experimentalæ, munca artiøtilor cuA CONVERSATION WITH ION GRIGORESCUHans Ulrich Obrist, Suzanne Pagé, Mircea CantorION GRIGORESCU was born in 1945, in Bucharest. He is one of the mostrepresentative artists of Romanian conceptual art, using paintings, photograpy,performance, film and installation as media of expression.M.C.: I am very happy to introduce Ion Grigorescu, an extremelyimportant artist for the Romanian scene and there is much richnessto be explored...H.U.O.: I am also very happy to participate in this meeting becauseMircea has been telling me about you ever since we met, that is fouror five years ago... And he told me that you used to be an importantperson during his years as a student and that, generally, you haveinfluenced a lot his generation... Mircea, can you tell me why?M.C.: We have discovered his work with the exhibition Experiment;I have shown you the catalog. It represented an opening for everyone.Because beforetime there was no access to quality for artimages, the catalogs were more often than not in black and white,printed on a poor paper, so it was really important for us to be ableto see all these works. I was in my first year at the university...S.P.: So this precise context had its own importance. The work matteredas much as the situation it occurred in...M.C.: Yes, exactly. It was truly important. In 1997 they have shownall these works that used to be hidden and that we knew only indirectlyfrom some catalog here and there. And this exhibition seemedto open until then silent archives about what experimental art, performance,and photography could have been. In short, about whatart could be under socialism. We were offered this other possibilityto actually meet the artists and speak to them.H.U.O.: And you, Ion Grigorescu, how did you connect with theyoung generation? Have you ever had teaching activities?I.G.: No. Except when I was a drawing teacher in school...S.P.: No, it doesn’t seem your kind of thing... It’s a nice attitude butvery reserved in the same time...I.G.: But I consider that the transmission happened that way: exhibitingin Bucharest for the youth who studied arts and went to the galleries.And then at the beginning of the ’80s I organized exhibitionswith many young artists such as Teodor Graur and that generation,the one we call of the ’80s, ensured the follow-up... But let me presentyou some stuff through the catalogs...M.C.: This is his first personal exhibition after the revolution in 1991.This is another very important exhibition where he invited otherartists. He made the first photo exhibition and valued the workof many artists with this medium in a very experimental way...HANS ULRICH OBRIST este curator la Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris øi redactor-øef la Pointd’Ironie. Curator al unor expoziflii, printre care: Do It; Cities on the Move; Le Jardin, La Ville, La Mémoire; Laboratorium;Sogni/Dreams; Retrace Your Steps: Remember Tomorrow; Rumor City; Mutations: Evènement culturelsur la ville contemporaine.SUZANNE PAGÉ este curator øi director la Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris.MIRCEA CANTOR este artist øi editor al revistei Version. Træieøte øi lucreazæ în Franfla, la Paris, øi înRomânia, la Cluj.HANS ULRICH OBRIST is a curator at Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Parisand editor-in-chief of Point d’Ironie. Curator of numerous exhibitions, including:Do It; Cities on the Move; Le Jardin, La Ville, La Mémoire; Laboratorium;Sogni/Dreams; Retrace Your Steps: Remember Tomorrow; Rumor City; Mutations:Evènement culturel sur la ville contemporaine.SUZANNE PAGÉ is a curator and director of the Musée d’Art Modernede la Ville de Paris.MIRCEA CANTOR is an artist, editor of Version magazine. He lives and worksin Paris, France and Cluj, Romania.56

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