25.12.2012 Aufrufe

Sensors and Actuators - Fachbereich Physik der Universität ...

Sensors and Actuators - Fachbereich Physik der Universität ...

Sensors and Actuators - Fachbereich Physik der Universität ...


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Quelle: http://www.anc.univie.ac.at/deutsch/sensor/chemosensoren/transducer.html<br />

Optische Gassensoren<br />

Fluoreszenz-O2-Optrode (optical electrode) - Sauerstoff-Gassensor<br />

Fluorescent optrodes utilize the fluorescence quenching of special indicator dyes. In this<br />

cases, the incident light excites a secondary Iight emission with a different wavelength.<br />

Several sensor types were developed for measuring the partial pressure of molecular<br />

oxygen in liquids, for instance, in blood. The fluorescent dye, such as perylene dibutyrate, is<br />

absorbed to organic beds contained within a hydrophobic gas permeable membrane, such<br />

as porous polyethylene tubing. The dye is excited with blue light (468 nm) <strong>and</strong> it emits<br />

radiation at 514 nm (green).<br />

The oxygen partial pressure can be calculated according to the Stern-Volmer equation:<br />

where A <strong>and</strong> m are empirical constants. Fluorescent dyes can also be applied for pH<br />

measurements <strong>and</strong> in other ion-selective optrode types.<br />

Quelle: www.sensedu.com<br />


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