Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology

Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology

Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology


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84 chess <strong>and</strong> computersOne <strong>of</strong> the best known <strong>and</strong> most versatile modern chatterbotsis ALICE (Artificial Linguistic Internet <strong>Computer</strong> Entity),developed by Richard Wallace. ALICE does much more thansimply echo statements; it includes an elaborate parser <strong>and</strong>sentence generator <strong>and</strong> specialized scripts for initiating orresponding to conversational gambits. ALICE can even telllies <strong>and</strong> spread “gossip” that it learns from other users.In the following dialog ALICE seems to be able torespond appropriately:Human: Are you intelligent?ALICE: I am highly intelligent. I have many intellectual functions.Human: How do you know you are intelligent?ALICE: By introspection.However the illusion breaks down as the matter ispressed further <strong>and</strong> the bot uses a “deflection” strategy:Human: What were you thinking while you said that?ALICE: I was minding my own business.Human: How do you feel about being interrogated in this way?ALICE: The opposite <strong>of</strong> not being interrogated in this way.Still, with more than 25,000 conversation templatesstored in XML files that are modifiable by the user, ALICEhas repeatedly won the Loebner Contest, a modern version<strong>of</strong> the Turing test.Although many are created as programming exercisesor for amusement, chatterbots embody principles that areimportant in artificial intelligence research, including naturallanguage processing <strong>and</strong> machine learning (see artificialintelligence). Techniques first developed withchatterbots can contribute to the creation <strong>of</strong> programsdesigned to provide answers to users’ questions or otherforms <strong>of</strong> assistance (see s<strong>of</strong>tware agent).moves for the computer chess player, the possible replies<strong>of</strong> the opponent to each move, the possible next moves bythe computer, <strong>and</strong> so on for as many half moves or “plies”as possible. The moves would be evaluated by a “minimax”algorithm that would find the move that best improves thecomputer’s position despite the opponent’s best play.The fundamental problem with the brute force is the“combinatorial explosion”: Looking ahead just three moves(six plies) would involve evaluating more than 700,000,000positions. This was impractical given the limited computingpower available in the 1950s. Shannon realized this<strong>and</strong> decided that a successful chess program would have toincorporate principles <strong>of</strong> chess strategy that would enable itto quickly recognize <strong>and</strong> discard moves that did not showa likelihood <strong>of</strong> gaining material or improving the position(such as by increasing control <strong>of</strong> center squares). As a result<strong>of</strong> this “pruning” approach, only the more promising initialmoves would result in the program looking ahead—butthose moves could be analyzed much more deeply.The challenge <strong>of</strong> the pruning approach is the need toidentify the principles <strong>of</strong> good play <strong>and</strong> codify them in sucha way that the program can use them reliably. Progresswas slow at first—programs <strong>of</strong> the 1950s <strong>and</strong> 1960s couldscarcely challenge an experienced amateur human player,let alone a master. A typical program would play a mixture<strong>of</strong> reasonable moves, odd-looking but justifiable moves,<strong>and</strong> moves that showed the chess version <strong>of</strong> “nearsightedness.”By the 1970s, however, computing power was rapidlyincreasing, <strong>and</strong> a new generation <strong>of</strong> programs such as Chess4.0 from Northwestern University ab<strong>and</strong>oned most pruningtechniques in favor <strong>of</strong> brute-force searches that could nowextend further ahead. In practice, each programmer chose aparticular balance between brute force <strong>and</strong> pruning-selectionFurther ReadingA.L.I.C.E. Artificial Intelligence Foundation. Available online.URL: http://www.alicebot.org/. Accessed April 27, 2007.Chatterbot Central (The Simon Laven Page). Available online.URL: http://www.simonlaven.com/. Accessed April 27, 2007.Loebner Prize. Available online. URL: http://www.loebner.net/Prizef/loebner-prize.html. Accessed April 27, 2007.chess <strong>and</strong> computersWith simple rules but endless permutations, chess has fascinatedmillions <strong>of</strong> players for hundreds <strong>of</strong> years. Whenmechanical automatons became fashionable in the 18thcentury, onlookers were intrigued by “the Turk,” a chessplayingautomaton. While the Turk was eventually shownto be a hoax (a human player was hidden inside), the development<strong>of</strong> the electronic digital computer in the mid-20thcentury provided the opportunity to create a true automaticchess player.In 1950 Claude Shannon outlined the two basic strategiesthat would be used by future chess-playing programs.The “brute force” strategy would examine the possibleIn the 18th century the Turk, a mechanical chess player, astonishedonlookers. Although the original Turk was a fraud (a small humanplayer was hidden inside), the modern computer chess programFritz 9 pays its homage by simulating its predecessor. (Fritz 9,Chessbase GmbH, www.chessbase.com)

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