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Aneks 1 – Pembuatan Produk Steril138. Integritas filter yang telah disterilisasihendaklah diverifikasi sebelumdigunakan <strong>dan</strong> dikonfirmasikan segerasetelah digunakan dengan metode yangsesuai, seperti uji bubble point, diffusiveflow atau pressure hold. Waktu yangdibutuhkan untuk memfiltrasi larutanruahan dengan volume tertentu <strong>dan</strong>perbedaan tekanan yang digunakanuntuk melewati filter hendaklahditetapkan pada saat validasi <strong>dan</strong>perbedaan yang signifikan pada prosespembuatan rutin hendaklah dicatat <strong>dan</strong>diinvestigasi. Hasil pemeriksaan inihendaklah dicantumkan dalam catatanbets. Integritas filter ventilasi udara <strong>dan</strong>gas yang kritis hendaklah dikonfirmasisesudah digunakan. Integritas filter lainhendaklah dikonfirmasi pada intervalwaktu yang sesuai. Hendaklahdipertimbangkan untuk meningkatkanpemantauan integritas filter pada prosesyang melibatkan kondisi berat, misalsirkulasi udara bersuhu tinggi.139. Filter yang sama hendaklah tidakdigunakan lebih dari satu hari kerjakecuali telah divalidasi.140. Filter hendaklah tidak memengaruhimutu produk dengan menghilangkanbahan produk atau dengan melepaskanbahan filter ke dalam produk.Annex 1 – Manufacture of SterilePharmaceutical Products138. The integrity of the sterilized filter shouldbe verified before use and should beconfirmed immediately after use by anappropriate method such as a bubblepoint, diffusive flow or pressure holdtest. The time taken to filter a knownvolume of bulk solution and the pressuredifference to be used across the filtershould be determined during validationand any significant differences duringroutine manufacturing from this shouldbe noted and investigated. Results ofthese checks should be included in thebatch record. The integrity of critical gasand air vent filters should be confirmedafter use. The integrity of other filtersshould be confirmed at appropriateintervals. Consideration should be givento increase monitoring of filter integrity inprocesses that involve harsh conditions,e.g. the circulation of high temperatureair.139. The same filter should not be used formore than one working day unless suchuse has been validated.140. The filter should not affect the productby removal of ingredients from it or byrelease of substances into it.INDIKATOR BIOLOGIS DAN KIMIAWI141. Penggunaan indikator biologis <strong>dan</strong>kimiawi saja tidak dapat diterimasebagai bukti bahwa proses sterilisasitelah efektif. Indikator tersebut hanyamenunjukkan kegagalan prosessterilisasi tetapi tidak membuktikanbahwa proses sterilisasi berhasil dengansempurna.142. Penggunaan indikator biologis kurangdapat diandalkan dibandingkan denganpamantauan cara fisis kecuali padasterilisasi dengan gas etilen oksida.143. Tindakan pengamanan ketat hendaklahdilakukan dalam penanganan indikatorBIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICALINDICATORS141. Biological and chemical indicators usedalone are not acceptable as proof that asterilization process has been effective.They will show when sterilization hasfailed but not necessarily prove that theprocess has been successful.142. Biological indicators are much lessreliable than physical monitoringmethods, except in ethylene oxidesterilization.143. Strict precautions should be taken whenhandling biological indicators due to theEdisi 2009 - 44 - 2009 Edition

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