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Les relations entre communautés linguistiques en contexte scolaire et communautaire :regards croisés sur Montréal et Bruxellesentre francophones et anglophones montréalais d’une part (Pagé et al. 2007, Côté2005) et entre jeunes francophones et néerlandophones à Bruxelles d’autre part(Mettewie 2004, Janssens et Van Mensel 2006). L’impact de ce contact intercommunautairesur les représentations et les attitudes fera émerger, en conclusion, desquestions qui, à la lecture de ces deux contextes, induisent des pistes de recherchescomplémentaires et comparatives.ABSTRACTRelationships Between Linguistic Communities in a Scholastic andCommunity Context: Comparison of Montreal and BrusselsBenoit CÔTÉUniversity of Sherbrooke, Quebec, CanadaLaurence METTEWIEUniversity of Namur (FUNDP), BelgiumThe objective of this article is to present and compare the role of communityand school milieus through relationships between the historical linguistic communitiesof Montréal and Brussels. Although these two linguistic contexts differ in manyways, they share two characteristics, which suggest that each of these communitiescould learn from the experience they developed in parallel – a context of the ambiguityof ethnic dominance and a linguistically divided school system. On the basis ofrecent research, we will examine the connections in the school and communitymilieus between French- and English-speaking Montréalers (Pagé et al. 2007, Côté2005) and between young French-speaking and Dutch-speaking students (Mettewie2004, Janssens and Van Mensel 2006). In conclusion, the impact this intercommunitycontact has on representations and attitudes brings out questions which, in examiningthese two contexts, reveals possibilities for complimentary and comparativeresearch.volume XXXVI:1, printemps 20086www.<strong>acelf</strong>.ca

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