A Economia dos Ecossistemas e da Biodiversi - CNI

A Economia dos Ecossistemas e da Biodiversi - CNI

A Economia dos Ecossistemas e da Biodiversi - CNI

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T E E B P A R A O S E T O R D E N E G Ó C I O STourism Sustainability Council (TSC) 2009. “Partnership for GlobalSustainable Tourism Criteria and Sustainable Tourism StewardshipCouncil Announce Merger to Form Tourism SustainabilityCouncil”. URL: http://www.sustainabletourismcriteria.org/index.php? option=com_content&task=view&id=266&Itemid=483Traffic International (2006) Traffic Bulletin, Vol. 21 No. 1 (Julho).UNEP (2008) Forest <strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty. COP 9 MOP 4 Bonn, Germany.UNEP and New Energy Finance (2009) Global Trends in SustainableEnergy Investment 2009. URL: http://sefi.unep.org/fileadmin/media/sefi/docs/publications/Executive_Summary_2009_EN.pdfUNEP/CBD/WG-RI/3/INF/13 (2010) Innovative Financial Mecha– nisms – Initiating Work on a Green Development Mechanism.URL: http://www.cbd.int/wgri3/meeting/Documents.shtmlVIETRADE (Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency) (2006) Vietnamesehandicrafts and traditional craft villages (November).VIETRADE (2008) Vietnamese handicrafts and traditional craftvillages (November).Willan, Becky (2009) “Twenty Trends for Sustainability in 2009-10”, Environmental Leader (24 September). URL: http://www.environ – mentalleader.com/2009/09/24/twenty-trends-forsustainability– in-2009-10./www.bamboosushipdx.com (último acesso 9 Julho 2010) www.eartheasy.com (último acesso 9 Julho 2010) www.ecoclub.com(último acesso 9 Julho 2010) www.ecoenterprisesfund.com (últimoacesso 9 Julho 2010) www.ecotourism.org (último acesso9 Julho 2010) www.gdm.earthmind.net (último acesso 9 Julho2010) www.lohas.com (último acesso 9 Julho 2010)www.msc.org (último acesso 9 Julho 2010)www.missionmarkets.com (último acesso 9 Julho 2010)www.naturalfibres2009.org (último acesso 9 Julho 2010)www.naturalvalueinitiative.org (último acesso 9 Julho 2010)www.planeta.com (último acesso 9 Julho 2010)www.rainforest-alliance.org (último acesso 9 Julho 2010)www.wfto.com (último acesso 9 Julho 2010)www.wri.org (último acesso 9 Julho 2010Wilhelmsson, D. Malm, T. Thompson, R. Tchou, J. Sarantakos,G. McCormick, N. Luitjens, S. Gullström, M. Patterson Edwards,J.K. Amir, O. and Dubi, A., (eds.) (2010) Greening Blue Energy:Identifying and managing the biodiversity risks and opportunitiesof off shore renewable energy. URL: http://<strong>da</strong>ta.iucn.org/dbtwwpd/edocs/2010-014.pdfWillIe, C., (2009) Rainforest Alliance – Sustainable AgricultureNet – work. Presentation at the Sustainability Conference Nuremberg,(February).World Bank (2009) State and Trends of the Carbon Market 2009.URL: http://wbcarbonfinance.org/docs/State Trends_of_the_Carbon_Market_2009-FINAL_26_May09.pdfWHO (World Health Organization) (2003) WHO guidelines ongood agricultural and collection practices (GACP) for medicinalplants. Geneva.WRI (World Resources Institute) (2008) Examples of EcosystemService-related Business Risks and Opportunities. URL: www.wri.org/project/ecosystem-services-reviewWRI, WBCSD and Meridian Institute (2008) The Corporate Eco– system Services Review: Guidelines for Identifying BusinessRisks and Opportunities Arising from Ecosystem Change. WorldResour – ces Institute, Washington DC. URL: http://pdf.wri.org/corporate_ ecosystem_services_review.pdfC a p í t u l o 5 ∙ pá g i n a 2 1 0

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