A Economia dos Ecossistemas e da Biodiversi - CNI

A Economia dos Ecossistemas e da Biodiversi - CNI

A Economia dos Ecossistemas e da Biodiversi - CNI

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T E E B P A R A O S E T O R D E N E G Ó C I O S27 Yin, R.S. (1998) “Forestry and the environment in China: Thecurrent situation and strategic choice,” World Development26(12): 2153-2167.28 Studley, J. (1999) “Forests and environmental degra<strong>da</strong>tion inSouthwest China,” International Forestry Review 1(4):260–65.29 Xu, J.T. and Cao Y.Y. (2002) “Converting steep cropland toforest and grassland: Efficiency and prospects of sustainability,”International Economic Review (Chinese), no. 2, pp. 56-6030 Sun, J., Zhao, C. and Wang, L. (2002) “The Long March ofGreen: The chronicle of returning agricultural land to forests inChina,” China Modern Economics Press, Beijing, P. R. China.31 http://www.earth-policy.org/index.php?/plan_b_up<strong>da</strong>tes/2002/up<strong>da</strong>te11 (último acesso 5 de fevereiro de 2010).32 Lang, Graeme (2002) “Deforestation, Floods, and State Reactionsin China and Thailand,” Working Paper Series, No. 21,City University of Hong Kong.33 FAO (2001) Forests out of bounds: impacts and effectivenessof logging bans in natural forests in Asia-Pacific, Asia-PacificForestry Commission.34 Li, Z. (2001) Conserving natural forests in China: Historicalperspective and strategic measures, Chinese Academy ofSocial Sciences (relatório de trabalho).35 Yin, Runsheng, Jintao Xu, Zhou Li, and Can Liu (2005) “China’sEcological Rehabilitation: Unprecedented Efforts, Dramatic Impacts,and Requisite Policies,” China Environment Series 6:17-32.36 Wang Hongchang (1997) “Deforestation and Desiccation inChina: A Preliminary Study,” in Mao Yu-shi, Ning Datong, XiaGuang, Wang Hongchang, Vaclav Smil, An assessment of theEconomic Losses Resulting from Various Forms of EnvironmentalDegra<strong>da</strong>tion in China, Occasional Paper of the Projecton Environmental Scarcities, State Capacity, and Civil Violence(Cambridge: American Academy of Arts and Sciences and theUniversity of Toronto, 1997)37 McVittie, Alistair (2010) Personal Communication, Land Economy& Environment Research Group, Scottish Agricultural College.38 Greenpeace (2006) Sharing the Blame: Global Consumptionand China’s Role in Ancient Forest Destruction.39 Khristoforov, A.V. (2001) “Hydroecological security of the riverbasins. The methods of assessment and ways its availability,”in Tuzova,T.V. (ed.) Water and Sustainable Development ofCentral Asia, published as part of the projects ”Regional cooperationon the usage of water and power resources in CentralAsia (1998)” and “Hydroecological problems and sustainabledevelopment of Central Asia”. Bishkek, p 85-87 (em russo).C a p í t u l o 2 ∙ e s t u d o s d e c a s o ∙ pá g i n a 8 3

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