A Economia dos Ecossistemas e da Biodiversi - CNI

A Economia dos Ecossistemas e da Biodiversi - CNI

A Economia dos Ecossistemas e da Biodiversi - CNI

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T E E B P A R A O S E T O R D E N E G Ó C I O SNotas de fim1 Essa tabela não está finaliza<strong>da</strong>; uma lista mais completa deiniciativas relevantes pode ser encontra<strong>da</strong> na publicação doPNUMA (2010) Are you a green leader?2 Assessment and Research Infrastructure for Ecosystem Services(ARIES) Project (ecoinformatics.uvm.edu/aries)3 BMU and GTZ (2008) Leadership Declaration for the Implementationof the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, An Initiativeof the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservationand Nuclear Safety and Leading Companies (www.businessand-biodiversity.de/en/homepage.html)4 Business and <strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty Offsets Programme (2009) Business,<strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty Offsets and BBOP: An Overview. BBOP, Washington,D.C.5 Business and <strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty Offsets Programme (2009) <strong>Biodiversi</strong>tyOffset Implementation Handbook. BBOP, Washington, D.C.6 Business and <strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty Offsets Programme (2009) <strong>Biodiversi</strong>tyOffset Design Handbook. BBOP, Washington, D.C.7 Canadian Business and <strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty Program (www.businessbiodiversity.ca/index.cfm)8 CBD (2009) The Jakarta Charter on Business and <strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty(www.cbd.int/doc/business/jakarta-charter-busissness-en.pdf)9 Prof. Dr. Stefan Schaltegger (Leuphana University Lüneburg)and Uwe Beständig (Leuphana University Lüneburg) (2010)Corporate <strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty Management Handbook. A guide forpractical implementation.10 Nippon Kei<strong>da</strong>nren (Japan Business Federation) (2009) Declarationof <strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty by Nippon Kei<strong>da</strong>nren (www.kei<strong>da</strong>nren.or.jp/english/policy/2009/026.html)11 Earthwatch, IUCN and WBCSD (2002) Business and <strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty:Handbook for Corporate Action12 Grigg, A., Cullen, Z., Foxall, J., Crosbie, L., Jamison, L., and Brito,R. (2009) The Ecosystem Services Benchmark. Fauna &Flora International, United Nations Environment ProgrammeFinance Initiative and Fun<strong>da</strong>ção Getulio Vargas – FGV (http://www.naturalvalueinitiative.org)13 The Equator Principles (http://www.equator-principles.com/)14 European Business and <strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty Campaign (www.globalnature.org/30707/campaigns/eu-business-biodiversitycampaign/02_vorlage.asp)15 European Business and <strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty Initiative (ec.europa.eu/environment/biodiversity/business/index_en.html)16 Forest Footprint Disclosure Project (2009) Forest FootprintDisclosure Request (www.forestdisclosure.com)17 Houdet, J. (Ed.), 2008 (re-edition 2010) Integrating biodiversityinto business strategies. The <strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty AccountabilityFramework.18 GRI (2006) G3 Guidelines19 Integrated <strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty Assessment Tool (www.ibatforbusiness.org/)20 Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs(InVEST) (www.naturalcapitalproject.org/InVEST.html)21 ICMM (2006) Good Practice Gui<strong>da</strong>nce for Mining and <strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty22 International Council of Mining and Metals (2008) SustainableDevelopment Framework (www.icmm.com/our-work/sustainabledevelopment-framework)23 Global Reporting Initiative (2000-2010) Sustainability ReportingGuidelines; Mining and Metals Sector Supplement24 ICMM (2003) Position Paper: Mining and Protected Areas25 International Finance Corporation (2006) Performance stan<strong>da</strong>rd6: <strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty conservation and sustainable natural resourcemanagement (www.ifc.org/ifcext/sustainability.nsf/AttachmentsByTitle/pol_PerformanceStan<strong>da</strong>rds2006_PS6/$FILE/PS_6_BiodivConservation.pdf)26 IPIECA (2007) An Ecosystem Approach to Oil and Gas Industry<strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty Conservation27 IPIECA (2006) Key <strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty Questions in the Oil and GasLifecycle28 IPIECA (2005) A Guide to Developing <strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty Action Plansfor the Oil and Gas Sector29 LIFE Certification (2009) Regulations for LIFE Certification:Preliminary Version.30 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) Ecosystems andHuman Well-being: Opportunities and Challenges for Businessand Industry. World Resources Institute, Washington, DC31 http://www.nature.org/aboutus/howwework/cbd/32 Proteus (proteus.unep-wcmc.org)33 The Wildlife Trusts (2006) The Wildlife Trusts <strong>Biodiversi</strong>ty Benchmark(www.wildlifetrusts.org)C a p í t u l o 7 ∙ pá g i n a 2 4 4

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