S E M I KO L O N - EgernInc

S E M I KO L O N - EgernInc

S E M I KO L O N - EgernInc


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hegemon” (Habermas 2003a, 706). Han<br />

skriver i en helt central passage:<br />

“Empirical objections to the possibility of<br />

realizing the American vision converge in the<br />

thesis that global society has become far too<br />

complex; the world is no longer accessible<br />

to a centralized control, through politics<br />

backed up by military power … Politics<br />

loses its primacy over the horizontally<br />

networked media of both markets and<br />

of communication once it attempts to<br />

regress to the original, Hobbesian form of<br />

a hierarchical security system” (Habermas<br />

2003a, 706)<br />

Verden er for kompleks til traditionel politik<br />

(Habermas 2002b, 167). USA har ikke lært<br />

den (europæiske) lektie og repræsenterer<br />

derfor en farlig ”hegemonisk unilateralisme”,<br />

der står i modsætning til det, Europa endnu<br />

ikke er men skal stræbe efter at blive: en<br />

verdensindenrigspolitisk magt, der ”også<br />

udadtil bliver handlekraftig og beviser, at det<br />

ikke kun er antallet af militære enheder, der<br />

tæller i et komplekst verdenssamfund, men<br />

også forhandlingsdagsordeners, politiske<br />

forbindelsers og økonomiske fordeles<br />

bløde magt” (Habermas 2003b, 9). Den nye<br />

globale kompleksitet reducerer nytten af<br />

den hårde magt og opprioriterer nytten af<br />

den bløde magt:<br />

“… there is a blurring of the boundaries<br />

between domestic and foreign policy that<br />

are constitutive of state sovereignty. The<br />

classical image of power politics is being<br />

changed not only by additional normative<br />

features such as a politics of democratisation<br />

or of human rights, but also through a<br />

peculiar diffusion of power itself. With the<br />

E r f r e m t i d e n e u r o p æ i s k ?<br />

growing pressure for cooperation, more or<br />

less indirect influence is becoming more<br />

important than direct implementation of<br />

one’s own goals through the exercise of<br />

administrative power or threats of violence.<br />

Instead, power is now exerted indirectly in<br />

the structuring of perceived situations, in<br />

the creation of contacts, in the interruption<br />

of flows of communication, or in the<br />

definition of agendas and problems; in short,<br />

it is exercised on the boundary conditions<br />

within which actors make their decisions.<br />

‘Soft power’ forces ‘hard power’ aside and<br />

robs the subjects Kant had counted on in<br />

his association of free states of the very<br />

basis for their independence.” (Habermas<br />

1997, 122-123)<br />

I de globale strømme bliver statsmagten,<br />

mere og mere irrelevant, fordi den bliver<br />

mere og mere magtesløs. ”Strømmens magt<br />

overvinder magtens strøm”, som Manuel<br />

Castells udtrykker det (Castells 2000c,<br />

500). USA står stædigt fast ved magtens<br />

strøm og udtrykker derfor en modsætning<br />

til det, Europa ser som den givne og<br />

gældende fremtid. Denne insisteren på<br />

klassisk territorialmagt er farlig og forældet.<br />

Castells giver en generel karakteristik af<br />

nationalstatens fremtid: ”nation-states<br />

survive beyond historical inertia because of<br />

the defensive communalism of nations and<br />

people in their territories, hanging onto<br />

their last refuge not to be pulled away by the<br />

whirlwind of global flows” (Castells 1997,<br />

308, min fremhævning).<br />

Europas kritik af USA er (også)<br />

bestemt af de forskellige analyser af verdens<br />

tilstand og udvikling, der sætter Europa som<br />

fremtiden og USA som fortiden.<br />

s i d e [ 3 1 ]

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