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Finally, I believe that intermediate level psychotherapy students are particularly valuable<br />

research collaborators in view of their skills and experience, their investment in the process of<br />

training, and their core task of developing reflexive and informed practice.<br />

Appel, S.W.D. (1999) Psychoanalysis and Pedagogy, Westport, Connecticut and London:<br />

Bergin and Garvey.<br />

Farrell, W.B.F. (1996) Training and Professional Development in the Field of Counselling<br />

Psychology. In R. Woolfe & W. Dryden (Eds.), Handbook of Counselling Psychology. London:<br />

Sage.<br />

C.4 Procedure:<br />

a) State the approach taken to obtaining information and/or testing the hypothesis.<br />

b) State in practical terms what research procedures will be used, and how information will be<br />

gathered and processed.<br />

c) State how your data will be analysed.<br />



a) The approach taken is based on Grounded Theory (Glaser and Strauss, 1967; Rennie et al,<br />

1988). Working within the University of Chicago school of symbolic interactionism, Glaser and<br />

Strauss systematised a method of developing a theory that is "grounded" in the phenomenon<br />

under investigation. This approach emphasises the theory-generative phase as opposed to the<br />

theory-verificational (or hypothesis-testing) phase of induction.<br />

b) Data already collected are the audio-tape recordings of 14 two-hour weekly sessions of a<br />

specialised learning group. Complete or partial transcripts of these sessions will be analysed<br />

using qualitative data analysis software (N Vivo version 2.0), as described in c) below.<br />

Following an analysis of this first set of data, a series of individual interviews will be<br />

conducted with participants, subject to their continuing consent (see form). These interviews<br />

will be recorded on audio-tape, and transcribed. This second set of data will in turn be analysed<br />

to yield further discoveries. The first set of data consists of recordings of participants working<br />

together as a group, with the aim of developing the capacity of students to integrate theory and<br />

practice in their clinical work, and therefore includes some 'reflection-in-action' (Schön, 1983)<br />

as part of this task. The second set of interviews will represent a more explicit and individual<br />

process of reflection on professional and personal development.<br />

c) Analysis of the data will consist of breaking transcripts into elements. Following Rennie et al<br />

(1988), these are passages of the transcript that stand out as conveying a main concept. Closer<br />

consideration of the element usually leads to the judgement that it contains other meanings as<br />

well. There is no standard in determining the length of an element, which may vary from a line<br />

or two to more than half a page of text. All elements will be compared and conceptualised in<br />

terms of commonalities. Each datum is placed in as many categories as possible to preserve the<br />

conceptual richness of the phenomenon. Throughout the analysis, the analyst's hunches and<br />

theoretical ideas are recorded as memoranda that are kept separate from the documents on<br />

which the categories are recorded. This recording of guiding assumptions is intended to reduce<br />

drift away from the grounding of categories in the data. As the conceptual structure develops,<br />

new data sources are selected that promise to illuminate the nature of the structure. Eventually,<br />

the new data add little to the development of new descriptive categories, at which point the<br />

categories are "saturated". The analyst increasingly draws upon the theoretical memoranda and<br />

begins to conceptualise more abstract categories that subsume the descriptive categories, yet are<br />

grounded in them. If possible, a core category is conceptualised that subsumes all other<br />

descriptive and conceptual categories. At this point, the conceptual structure is usually<br />

hierarchical, with lower-order conceptual categories serving as the properties of the core<br />

category, and descriptive categories serving as properties of the lower-order conceptual<br />

categories. The final product is an elaboration of this conceptual structure of categories,<br />

including the relationship among them, and the relationships among the categories and the data.<br />

Ref No # 6 of 16

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