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105Chapter 5 – Scope of Practice of Medical Laboratory Technologyregistration requirement in those provinces where MLTs areregulated. Even in those provinces where MLTs are not a regulatedprofession, employers require CSMLS certification.• CSMLS is also a voluntary professional society for medical laboratoryprofessionals. CSMLS represents 14,000 members in Canada <strong>and</strong>around the world. Membership is voluntary, except for MLTs in NewBrunswick whose regulatory body, the New Brunswick Society ofMedical Laboratory Technologists, requires CSMLS membership as acondition of licensure. Some employers require CSMLS membershipas a condition of employment. 12Medical laboratory technology is a highly complex <strong>and</strong> technicalprofession. There are a number of specialties within medical laboratoryscience: 13• Biochemistry is the study of the chemical <strong>and</strong> physiochemicalprocesses of living organisms. MLTs perform biochemical analysesincluding those to determine cholesterol <strong>and</strong> thyroid levels, enzymelevels for heart disease <strong>and</strong> glucose levels for the diagnosis <strong>and</strong>management of diabetes.• Cytogenetics is the study of chromosomes <strong>and</strong> the diseasesassociated with an abnormal number or structure of chromosomes.Technologists in this discipline analyse prenatal samples, cancercells, blood <strong>and</strong> tissues for genetic disease.• Cytology is the study of the origin, formation, structure, function <strong>and</strong>classification of cells. The identification of normal <strong>and</strong> cancerous cellsalso falls within this discipline. Cytotechnologists are responsible forspecimen preparation <strong>and</strong> staining, as well as microscopic evaluation<strong>and</strong> interpretation of patient samples. One of the roles of thecytotechnologist is to identify cancer of the cervix through themicroscopic examination of Pap test smears. Cytology results are usedin diagnosis, patient management <strong>and</strong> treatment follow-up.• Haematology deals with blood, blood forming tissues <strong>and</strong> relatedcellular components. This analysis can identify cells associated witha wide variety of blood disorders such as leukemia <strong>and</strong> anaemia.Investigation <strong>and</strong> management of bleeding or coagulation disorders,such as haemophilia, are also performed as part of this specialty.• Histology deals with the microscopic identification of cells <strong>and</strong>tissues. Technologists working in histology are responsible for thepreparation <strong>and</strong> staining of tissues for diagnostic examination underthe light microscope. Working with tissue biopsies <strong>and</strong> largerspecimens from operating rooms, often on an urgent basis, MLTs helpsurgeons decide how to proceed with the patient undergoing surgery.12CSMLS. Frequently Asked Questions.” Available at: http://www.csmls.org/english/faq.cfm.13CMLTO. “Specialties in Medical Laboratory Science.” Available at:http://www.cmlto.com:80/public/mlts/default.asp?load=specialties.HPRAC Critical Links January 2009

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